Greetings iMedDo congregation, this month we are meditating on what is one of the most important of all vitamins, Vitamin C to See with the Eye of God. Vitamin C is the cure for scurvy pirates, and humans having diverged from lemurs 63 million years ago after the great meteor, can no longer make vitamin C, so it is essential we get it from eating citrus fruits like limes and oranges. In this episode I will share the secrets of vitamin C which relate to how our body uses glucose, iron, and electrons from vitamin C as an electron shuttle to keep iron and copper in a reduced and usable state for our bodies structural and energy needs. Vitamin C, because of its use interacting with the iron firestone of life for oxygen chemistry, is useful as both an anti-oxidant free radical scavenger, and for blasting pathogens with oxygen damage which protects our body by boosting our immune system, for curing cancer, the common cold, and putting viruses and pathogens in their place. It’s likely you are already getting enough vitamin C in your diet to prevent scurvy, but you might benefit from more vitamin C, especially when under stress, and vitamin C is even used for making neurotransmitters and can help your mood, a truly amazing vitamin.


It’s important to note that last month we talked about vitamin A for vision, but it’s interesting to note that phonetically vitamin C sounds like “Vitamin See” and subconsciously makes your mind think about vision as well, especially when coupled with the word “VitaAmen” i.e. the life of AMEN where A is a pyramid, it also relates to the BenBen Stone at the top of the pyramid, the gold-gold stone where the orange fruit the “golden apple” of immortality is magically related to vitamin C. Like Vitamin A which exudes Egyptian magic, Vitamin C when you look at it looks back at you and you can see yourself reflected as the eye of God. Turns out vitamin C is in all cells of the human body including the eye, so vitamin C is also important for vision although that’s not something people usually talk about since vitamin C is so important for so many other things as well.


Last month I’ve talked about Vitamin A, and before that I’ve talked about Vitamin B (Vitamin B9 & Vitamin B12 & all the B vitamins when talking about multivitamins), so it follows that this month I’ll talk about Vitamin C. It turns out that vitamin C is like a super vitamin because it also helps with vision like A, helps the body absorb B9, and B12, and also helps the body absorb iron, and helps the body recycle other vitamins and minerals most notably helps recycle vitamin E in skin health.


My interest in vitamin C, is from perspective of an iodine expert where I note that there is a synergy with taking vitamin C along with the iMedDo Detox System which uses NeuIodine, NeuSilver, and NeuGold. The overlap is that both iodine and vitamin C are used for oxygen chemistry surrounding energy and pathogen zapping with convergence at the mitochondria. Whereas iodine can be used as a final electron acceptor on the mitochondrial electron transport chain which the body uses to make ATP, and stimulates mitochondrial function and more mitochondria to be produced (mitochondrial-genesis), vitamin C is used to protect the integrity of the cell membrane and surrounding cytoplasm and extracellular matrix, and is used to protect the lipids of the mitochondrial membrane from oxidative damage, and is used to keep iron and copper catalytic cores used in the electron transport chain and the mitochondrial membrane functioning. The major function of vitamin C that is best understood is that it is used to keep iron and copper in reduced forms that can be used to interact with oxygen especially where oxygen can be added to sugars and proteins as hydroxyl groups (-OH) that allow sugars to be added in post translational modification which allow structural integrity from correct protein folding and enhanced thermal stability. Because vitamin C can interact with the noble metal copper, it is my belief that it is also synergistic with the noble metals silver and gold as well which are used in the iMedDo detox system as anti-inflammatories to go with the NeuIodine. Silver can shut down dysfunctional mitochondria, and detoxes mercury, whereas gold has ability to detox lead and is impervious to oxidation damage and interacts with vitamin C in enhancing kidney, vitamin C, calcium and energy functions. Nothing about vitamin C is simple, requiring advanced biochemistry skills to discuss, so to I’m going to break this Vitamin C article into two parts, one for the casual reader, and then more in depth for advanced readers.


All you really need to know about vitamin C to improve your life is that you can get it in citrus fruits like oranges and limes. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient which if you don’t get enough you get a disease known as Scurvy, a disease common in sailors, where you would start to feel weak and your muscles, bones, and skin start to break down where your teeth start to fall out, and you have excessive bleeding. So you would know if you weren’t getting enough vitamin C! If you teeth aren’t falling out like a scurvy pirate, then likely you are already getting enough vitamin C.

LINK: The Discovery of Vitamin C.

But there is an argument to be had that if you are under stress, or feeling under the weather that your body can benefit from more vitamin C, and there are some specialized uses of vitamin C for skin health, anti-cancer and anti-viral uses, heart health, and eye health that you should be aware of, so if you need more vitamin C, go for it, eat more citrus or take a multivitamin or supplement which contains more vitamin C. Vitamin C is the easiest vitamin I’ve ever seen to dose right, as it is only supplemented in one form (ascorbic acid), and you just need 100 mg a day for ~100% Daily Value. As long as you getting at least 10 mg a day, you won’t get Scurvy, which is easy peasy to do with diet just eat some fruit. Besides eating fruit and drinking juice for vitamin C in my diet, I also supplement vitamin C in Power Source One multivitamin. The PS1 multivitamin was designed by Dr Calin Pop MD, a wholistic leaning internal medicine doctor which is offered on the iMedDo webstore as gift for donation and is the official multivitamin that I recommend to go with the iMedDo detox system. If you look on the back of a bottle of PS1, you will see that vitamin C is listed as the second ingredient. Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) 100 mg, which is 111% Daily Value (DV). So it’s impossible for me to get Scurvy as I’m getting well above 10 mg Vitamin C a day from my multivitamin alone plus extra vitamin C in my diet in fruits and vegetables.

PS1 Multivitamin Has 100 mg Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) which is ~100% (111%) DV. Easy Peasy.


In mainstream medicine they sometimes say not to take vitamin C because it can cause kidney stones. This is actually a lie which is part of the iodine-fluoride conspiracy regarding kidney stones. As long as you are detoxing fluoride with the iMedDo Detox System, you do not have to worry about getting kidney stones from taking vitamin C. For more information read article Fluoride & Kidney Stones. Unless you have been living under a rock then you know that this month is very exiting as Robert F. Kennedy Jr is about to be confirmed as the new Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary in the Trump Administration in the USA, and he has vowed to get the fluoride out of the water as one of his very first acts. As such the health of Americans will be immediately better as we will all be able to better use vitamin C when there is not fluoride in our systems. The way it works is that vitamin C is a 6 carbon molecule which can break down, in part, into to a 2 carbon molecule oxalate which exits the urine. Oxalate can bind calcium, and the kidney is designed to determine how much calcium to excrete or to reabsorb in a complex pathway which senses the body’s energy needs where calcium and iodine control all the bodies energy at the thyroid. When your body has fluoride or other halogen toxins like bromine from red dye #40 or other toxic chemical food additives that RFKJr has vowed to get rid of very soon, then it takes more energy to detox, and the body excretes more calcium where lower blood calcium corresponds to lower total body energy level. For more information read article Calcium: Thyroid & Osteoporosis. Fluoride binds insolubly to calcium causing calcium fluoride crystals to bind to oxalate causing kidney stones as the body has to burn more vitamin C, and calcium energy (a reflection of ATP energy via magnesium and phosphate stabilization) to try to detox the fluoride. The solution is to take iMedDo detox system which uses NeuIodine and NeuGold to flush out the fluoride, and NeuSilver to protect the kidney, and I highly recommend you also get enough vitamin C which allows your body to shuttle the fluoride bound calcium out using oxalate where by using NeuIodine it won’t get stuck as kidney stones. I hope that makes sense, the important think is don’t not take vitamin C because you are worried about kidney stones. Just take the iMedDo detox system with your vitamin C and you will be all good.


In mainstream medicine they sometimes say not to take vitamin C because it can cause your body to get too much iron. I don’t want you to worry about iron as long as you are doing the iMedDo detox system, you can take iron or not, and your body will start using iron correctly, and you can take all the vitamin C you want without worrying about iron levels as well. I’ve been meditating very deeply on iron for many years (For more information read 2019 article Iron the Firestone of Life). But it wasn’t until recently when I wrote about vitamin B12, vitamin B9, and now in this article vitamin C that I’ve finally figured out the missing piece of the puzzle regarding what to do if your iron levels are too high or too low, which is very important, and I want even casual readers of this article to understand this. Vitamin C is the missing piece of the iron puzzle. My previous understanding of iron was that pretty much all the iron in the body is contained in heme molecules. Iron is fought over by the body and pathogens as whoever controls the iron controls oxygen, and whoever controls the oxygen can fry the other party using oxidative damage. Our body attempts to sequester iron using heme, iron proteins (transferritin), and keeps iron stuck in the intestinal lining until requested by liver hormone hepcidin. But my new understanding of iron in the body, which I learned from looking at vitamin C, is that there are also unbound non-heme iron used in the body. Normally this is a problem as such unbound iron can feed bacteria who can use the iron to attack us, but our body has a special way using vitamin C to use the unbound iron freely diffusing into a protein (hydroxylase) which combines oxygen with sugar and spits out carbon dioxide to make hydroxyl groups which are important for being able to make proteins fold correctly. Most notably the vitamin C is important for making collagen and connective tissue fold correctly. But what the vitamin C is actually doing is being used as an electron shuttle to keep free iron in a usable form (Vitamin C turns Ferric form to Ferrous Form i.e. Fe3+ to Fe2+). Also vitamin C is used to help our bodies absorb iron in a form that we can use (Ferrous Form instead of Ferric form). And so with new understanding of vitamin C, if you are anemic and taking iron supplements and they are not working, you likely have too much iron in your intestines but the body is not letting it in because it needs to be reduced first by you taking more vitamin C. You should also do iMedDo to detox so your body can make hepcidin hormone, free of fluoride suppression, to let iron in, and you should also increase your vitamin B12 levels as well. For most people you are probably getting enough vitamin C already, but you need more iodine and everyone needs 10,000x more B12 than the government recommended dosage. So if you are anemic take iodine and B12 and vitamin C are all good for you. But if your iron levels are too high what do you do? You do the same thing in my opinion, but you may not want to take high dose vitamin C because you can detox the iron too fast. Likely your intestines are loaded with too much iron in unusable ferric form, and when you start taking vitamin C, your body can finally start to reduce the iron, and either absorb it for use, or start to excrete the excess. Also iodine very important for excreting any metal that is too high including iron. But if you take too much vitamin C too fast (high dose vitamin C like 5000 mg/day) you can get gut problems from the iron coming out too fast. What I want you all my dear readers to realize is that whether your iron is too high or too low, don’t be afraid to take vitamin C, but if your iron is too high then just take standard doses of vitamin C (100 mg/day fine) but not high does of vitamin C, as you don’t want to reduce and detox the iron too fast. Instead dose ramp iodine with iMedDo detox system, and also in either case anemia or too much iron take more vitamin B12 as well. Vitamin B12 is very hard to absorb uses the entire digestive track as contains cobalt. Sodium helps you absorb more vitamin C and potassium helps you absorb more vitamin B12, so you may need to adjust your salt levels (most people get too much sodium and not enough potassium) as you are getting your iron levels back in balance. If you struggling with iron, I’m getting very good at helping. Try the iMedDo detox system, and PS1 multivitamin which will fix your vitamin A, B, and C levels and all the other vitamins as well and likely your iron problems be they anemia not enough iron or too much iron will likely clear up. You can get the iMedDo detox system and the PS1 multivitmins on the webstore at Contact me DrBenGo Healthwarrior at link for support.


Don’t leave getting enough vitamin C to your diet alone, get the 100% daily amount in a supplement to make sure you getting enough of this water soluble vitamin everyday without fail. If you do you will be more healthy for it. High dose vitamin C can be useful for cancer but don’t do it if your iron levels are too high. Don’t be worried about vitamin C causing kidney stones, be worried about fluoride and counter it with iodine using iMedDo Detox System which is also a triple anti-cancer. Vitamin C is the missing piece of the puzzle regarding how our body uses iron which relates to our oxygen usage which overlaps with energy systems which is why the iMedDo detox System and taking Vitamin C are synergistic for detox, protection, pathogen zapping, and enhanced energy. Vitamin C is a critical cofactor for your body to make connective tissue, and if you don’t get enough vitamin C to protect your connective tissue keeping iron reduced in your body you might get Scurvy if you stay low dose vitamin C for many weeks. You need at least 10 mg vitamin C everyday to not get Scurvy, and a typical multivitamin including the PS1 which is a great multivitamin should contain 100 mg vitamin C which you should do daily on top of getting vitamin C in your diet. Unless you are doing it for some specific reason, you don’t need high dose vitamin C, and the only legitimate reason to not do high dose vitamin C that I saw is if you have high iron. But the important message I want to impart is that whether your iron is high or low you still need vitamin C. People low in vitamin C gain a big health benefit taking more, but people getting enough vitamin C get a much bigger health benefit taking other vitamins in particular iodine, silver and gold with iMedDo Detox System, and also taking a great multivitamin with it. Vitamin C enhances function of many other vitamins (B12, B9, iron, E), and you should make sure you are getting it daily because it is an essential vitamin that your body needs but cannot make on its on. Vitamin C is burned up and excreted as oxalate over time, so you need to keep getting more of it on the regular to keep your body’s electrical, oxygen, and iron systems running smoothly to maintain your bodies structural integrity. Vitamin C does a lot more in the body that just iron, and is in and used by every single cell in the body, read on for part two or casual readers stop here. Casual readers can also check out the government resource of the NIH fact sheets on Vitamin C for more information.

Thankyou for reading and meditating on vitamin C. I pray that this knowledge improves your life.


DrBenGo Healthwarrior


Because vitamin C is used in every cell of the human body, talking about it in just one newsletter is difficult, so I’m just going to give a broad overview of vitamin C so that you can recognize the scope of it which I hope some of you will use as starting point for your own further vitamin C studies for those of you interested in advanced nutrition. The main topics I want to address are explaining how humans lost the ability to make vitamin C while most other animals still can, explaining what are the main known functions of vitamin C in the body as well as commenting on newly discovered functions and making educated guesses on further function of vitamin C that I expect will be discovered in my lifetime. It is my hope that some of you reading this article will go on to become vitamin C researchers, and that this article will inspire you to learn more about what is one of the most important of all vitamins.


Even though vitamin C is the easiest vitamin to dose, it’s quite possibly, second only to iodine, the most complicated vitamin to actually understand. Vitamin C looks a lot like glucose. There is simply no way to understand its function without understanding glucose which is central to all biochemistry and all biochemistry pathways. On top of that, vitamin C is an electron shuttle and you darn near have to be skilling in advanced inorganic chemistry to have any idea what it’s doing. It’s promoted as an anti-oxidant but if you look too close like I have, it appears the original function of vitamin C might have been as an anti-oxidant produced at the same time as a powerful pro-oxidant H202 possibly used for zapping pathogens in an iron firestone of life type situation which is also not a simple topic. Even the most well understood pathway of vitamin C for making collagen isn’t actually understood fully, and as time has gone on more and more functions of vitamin C have been discovered ranging from oxygen sensing to vitamin recycling to even making neurotransmitters. Vitamin C is doing crazy stuff ranging from protein folding to DNA methylation and expression, cholesterol to mood, to being used in every tissue of the body for mitochondrial protection, as part of a central energy system, basically it’s all over the place. Everyone is a vitamin C expert in their particular field, and yet no-one actually seems to have a broad understanding of what vitamin C is actually doing. As such there is a great opportunity for me as an interdisciplinary biomedical scientist to make a big contribution to the field of vitamin C nutrition, and I’m taking it. I’m going to tell you about vitamin C like you’ve never heard it before, and I’m going to start by showing my vitamin C expertise by answering the 60 million year old question of why humans cannot make vitamin C but almost every other animal can to show you that I’ve really though in depth about vitamin C. It is my goal that you will all share this article with anyone interested in vitamin C, and this article will be the new gold standard used by all healthcare professions as a vitamin C starting tutorial. I started as a mainstream biomedical scientist, and now I’m coming at vitamin C from a religious perspective, and with the combination I have seen farther into the truth than anyone as I’m looking at vitamin C with the Eye of God. Vitamin C is a holy vitamin, and as you better comprehend it your spiritual and healing journey advances. Thankyou for learning and growing with me, may the blessings of Vitamin C be upon you, as you all open your third eye and see with the Eye of God.


All animals can make vitamin C from glucose except bats, guinea pigs, and all monkeys and primates including humans with the notable exception of the lemur.

Back in 2019 when I I wrote the article Monkey Mystery. In it I was trying to trace the evolutionary origins of Humans going back to primates and monkeys, and I did a good job where I actually traced back all mammalian lines of every family to get a good idea of where different species of animals were located during different time periods based on plate tectonics. What I discovered is that all the pre-monkey pre-primates that became monkey and primate ancestors of humans actually originated in India when it was a subcontinental island and that after India crashed into Eurasia circa 55-40 million years ago is when monkeys achieved their current global distribution, and that monkeys actually first entered Africa through Europe before evolving into the primates that evolved into humans. All of the pre-monkeys were on India Island where the lemur family split off into Madagascar island around 80 MYA (million years ago), and there was even a giant lemur that is now extinct that shows that the origins of large monkeys like primates were already present even that far back. Genetic analysis indicates that monkey & primate ancestors not including lemurs lost the ability to make vitamin C around 60-63 MYA and because we know that whatever happened did not affect lemurs, and that that the India subcontinent was an island until about 55-40 MYA, then it follows that something crazy happened during that time period after Madagascar split off, and before India stopped being an island when Monkeys exploded around the world (40 MYA) which affected all of the monkey & primate ancestors to lose the ability to make vitamin C during that time. During the same time period ~63 MYA, and in the same place (India) bats also lost the ability to make vitamin C. Guinea pigs lost the ability to make vitamin C much later (~28 MYA) for different unknown reasons and in different region (S. America not India), and so the lose of making vitamin C for guinea pigs and related capybarra are excluded from this discussion, as I’m focusing on human ancestors the monkeys in particular.


Around 66 Million Years Ago (66 MYA), there was a massive meteor that hit the earth which caused what is now called the K-T Extinction event that wiped out all the non-avian dinosaurs. It is believed that the meteor hit in the Yucatan peninsula, and the proof of the meteor is from an iridium element layer all around the world at that specific geological line in the rocks. Iridium element is rare on earth, but high in meteors, was found to be ~100x higher at that layer/time providing convincing proof of a meteor strike at that time. The genetic derived timeframe of ~60-63 MYA for when vitamin C was lost in monkey/primates & bats coincides closely with the K-T Extinction event, and thus it was likely evolutionary pressure related to the meteor strike that was the proximal cause of all non-lemur monkeys and primates up unto even subsequent humans losing the ability to make vitamin C from glucose.


The meteor strike affected the entire planet, so there was something special or different concerning the conditions in India on top of the meteor strike that caused the loss of vitamin C, and it had to be something different than was happening in Madagascar as it did not affect the lemurs. Both Madagascar and India were both islands so that’s not it. They were both in Southern Hemisphere helping their animals better survive the KT-extinction event so that wasn’t it. Was there something different going on in India in particular during that time right after the meteor strike that caused different conditions there resulted in the loss of the pre-monkeys and pre-primates there ancestors of all non-lemur monkeys and primates including humans to lose the ability to make vitamin C? Yes there was. After the meteor strike at the same time India was experiencing a lot of volcanic activity in the region known as the Deccan Traps which was also causing elevated CO2 and decreased O2 levels, on top of the already elevated CO2 levels post meteor strike. Rocks over time absorb CO2, except volcanic rocks release CO2. So global CO2 levels over time are greatly affected on geologic timescales by volcanic activity. Because the Deccan Traps are the largest volcanic feature in the world, taking the form of a giant shield volcano, they were responsible for releasing a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere during the time post meteor which greatly affected monkey evolution and somehow resulted in the loss of monkey ancestors of humans ability to make vitamin C. I found a paper which tracks global CO2 levels going all the way back to the meteor strike 66 MYA, and from it we can see the unusual CO2 conditions that the monkeys on India island were experiencing which was very high CO2 levels for all of the monkey evolution post meteor until time of Monkey global dominance 40 MYA, followed by global dropping of CO2 levels by the time of primate dominance (Orangs 14 MYA, Chimps 6 MYA, and human dominance <3 MYA).


In more oxygen rich environments the body needs more vitamin C, since vitamin C is used as a cofactor for many oxygen utilizing proteins which incorporate oxygen using iron or copper and which generally output CO2. Somehow in the post meteor period (After 66 MYA KT-extinction event) of rising CO2 levels with extra enhanced rising CO2 levels in India from enhanced volcanic activity in Deccan traps, where non-lemur monkey ancestors were trapped, they lost the ability to make vitamin C. There is new evidence that vitamin C is involved with a host of genes involved with oxygen sensing (HIF hypoxia inducible factor). The monkeys that survived the K-T extinction in India had to deal with volcanic activity and constant threat of being smothered from low oxygen, and high CO2 levels, and thus must have evolved a coping mechanism, and that coping mechanism involved them losing the ability to make vitamin C. More vitamin C results in the using of more oxygen via non-heme iron proteins and the output of more CO2. Because of the abundance of CO2 in the atmosphere at the time, and because of the likely less amount of oxygen available, it somehow became a competitive advantage for the monkeys to get by on less vitamin C presumable to use less oxygen presumable to deal with a low oxygen high CO2 atmospheric conditions that were unique to them while trapped on India island subcontinent which monkey had to evolve with from 66 MYA – 55-40 MYA somewhere from 11-26 million years where monkeys evolved on India island separate from lemurs and where they lost the ability to make vitamin C. If the genetic derived number 63 MYA is correct, it means that monkeys evolved their loss of vitamin C low oxygen high CO2 coping mechanism rather early only within 3 MYA after the end of the Meteor strike. During this time there was a very high ~720 ppm (parts per million) CO2 levels globally, and likely a much higher possibly up to the 1600 ppm level seen globally later level on India island causing a differentially much higher CO2 level the monkeys were experiencing compared to the rest of the world which forced them to shut down their vitamin C pathway as a coping mechanism to not burn up oxygen if they were in constant danger of being smothered from lack of oxygen. Also elevated CO (carbon monoxide) would interfere with oxygen in the iron proteins both heme and non-heme iron. Ultimately we just don’t know why exactly these species lost the ability to make vitamin C, only that it did occur, and now we know when and where. and can look to India for further clues, and we can look at bat evolution for further clues. If the theory is correct then we can also check to see if there was some kind of global elevation of CO2 or volcanic risk of smothering much later in history circa 28 million years ago in S. America which might have stimulated similar loss of vitamin C for guinea pigs/capybarra family which is farther that I got, but I hope that someone skilled will take my above hypothesis and run with it and to extend it to guinea pig family later. My contribution is to notice that bats and monkeys lost the ability to make vitamin C in the same time and same place from the same conditions which was on post meteor volcanic India subcontinent island, and it was most likely something related to the CO2 and O2 levels which precipitated the loss of vitamin C for the monkey and primate ancestors of humans which is why humans cannot make vitamin C to this very day.


Goats did not lose the ability to make vitamin C because they weren’t trapped on volcanic India island after the meteor. They come from Eurasia (See the story of Laurasiatheria, in article Monkey Mystery). Humans can get by on just 1 mg/kg vitamin C per day, but a goat makes 200 mg/kg vitamin C each day and can make even more when stressed. Our Egyptian ancestors were very impressed by goats and the avian dinosaurs that survived the KT-extinction event and worshiped them as gods.

The big winner of the meteor was the crocodile which survived completely unchanged as if nothing even happened. The big loser of the K-T extinction event were all the non-avian dinosaurs who went extinct as well as all the ammonites in the ocean. Monkey and Primate ancestors of humans survived the K-T extinction event using India as a life-raft which only cost them the ability to make vitamin C, a small price to pay for surviving extinction otherwise we wouldn’t be here today.


Now you might think that if only humans could make our own vitamin C we could live longer like a goat right? But actually goats don’t live nearly as long as humans. So being able to make more vitamin C doesn’t make you live longer. This is confirmed by lemurs who can make vitamin C only live 15 years whereas, a Chimpanzee who like a human cannot make vitamin C can live up to 60 years in captivity. The reason for this could be because the pathway that makes vitamin C from glucose (GULO gene) produces H202, hydrogen peroxide, a potent oxidant. It’s a valuable pathway for killing pathogens when stressed out, but it’s not just making vitamin C as an anti-oxidant as you might think, it’s making an oxidant at the same time. Human’s loss of the ability to make our own vitamin C might actually allow us to live longer as our body produces less oxidative damage when we only get vitamin C in the diet allowing us to use it only as an an anti-oxidant without the oxidant part produced when making it ourselves. So instead of thinking about humans having an “inborn genetic defect” by not being able to make vitamin C, you might want to consider that our bodies may have evolved to do that on purpose for a competitive advantage to keep from being smothered from low oxygen, from high CO2 initially, and we might have kept it later during times of lowered CO2 because it provided us some benefit like allowing us to live longer. My hypothesis is that by only getting vitamin C from diet rather than making it ourself gave us a way to avoid oxidative damage from vitamin C production.


Looking at the chemical structure of ascorbic acid, it does not look like what I would expect of a vitamin (it’s not a thiamine structure like B1, it’s not even an amine as has no nitrogen), it doesn’t look like an acid even, it looks like a carbohydrate with chemical structure C6H8O6 composed only of carbons, hydrogens and oxygens. The shocking secret of vitamin C is that its structure C6H8O6 is shockingly similar to the carbohydrate simple sugar glucose C6H10O6 only differing by 2 hydrogens. Vitamin C has a ring structure composed of 4 carbons and side chain of 2 carbons and Glucose has a 5 carbon ring with side chain of 1 carbon. Both vitamin C and glucose contain a lot of hydroxyl groups (-OH) where ascorbic acid has 4, and glucose has 5.

The similarity of vitamin C and glucose is no accident. Vitamin C was made by our ancestors from glucose prior to the meteor 66 MYA. Also if you study vitamin C in enough detail you will find that humans have the ability to transport vitamin C using glucose transporters. So for all practical purposes, vitamin C is like a special type of glucose that is arranged differently, arranged in such a way to facilitate electron transport.


What we do now know is that animals which lost the ability to make vitamin C have developed an alternate pathway to get vitamin C into the red blood cells and across the blood brain barrier. The way they do it is using glucose transporters to import an oxidized form of ascorbic acid known as dehydroascorbic acid (DHA).

DHA is a more oxidized form of Ascorbic acid ,where instead of a double bond with hydroxyl groups at base of the ring it has double bonded oxygens, and is more oxidized (has less hydrogens). DHA is able to be imported into red blood cells, and also across the blood brain barrier using glucose transporter proteins and then reconverted back to active form ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the tissue where is needed. So although we cannot make vitamin C we can recycle it as once it’s oxidized to DHA our body has ways using glucose transporters to absorb and transport it around and then reconvert it into active form ascorbic acid. All tissues use vitamin C both inside the cell, to protect the cell membranes from oxidation, and in the extracellular structure. Vitamin C is needed everywhere and fortunately it can be transported in DHA form and recycle to ascorbic acid as needed.


The structure of glucose and vitamin C are very similar and that is not an accident. Glucose is C6H12O6 whereas vitamin C is C6H8O6 they both contain 6 carbons and 6 oxygens. Approximately 1.8 billion years ago, all eukaryotic life started making vitamin C from glucose in part to protect their cellular membranes from oxidative damage. Plants continued making vitamin C to protect their photosynthetic membranes, and animals continued making vitamin C to protect their mitochondrial membranes. Most all animals can make vitamin C from glucose but humans, primates and all monkeys except lemurs cannot along with a handful of other animals (bats and guinea pigs also cannot). Because glucose is central to all biochemistry used by all life for energy, so is vitamin C. But whereas glucose is focused on carbon energy, vitamin C is focused on electron energy where the electrons are shuttled by oxygen, for use in iron pathways which use oxygen. Vitamin C’s main function appears to be as an electron energy shuttle molecule which is centrally placed in pathways which use oxygen energy and carbon energy, where vitamin C when made can produce oxidative damage, but vitamin C itself is an anti-oxidant. The main function of vitamin C seems to be energy recycling where it can be used to keep other molecules working such as by reducing iron atoms, and recycling vitamin E, and even for making a variety of neurotransmitters. The secret to understanding vitamin C is to understand glucose, and the secret to understanding glucose is to learn biochemistry as glucose can be broken down to form energy, can be built into everything in the cell by putting carbons, hydrogens, oxygens and nitrogens together or breaking them apart. Vitamin C is like a super glucose molecule that has special energy central properties for dealing with the intersection of carbon, oxygen and electron energy systems to maintain 3 dimensional stability of cells and membranes and proteins. Vitamin C, like glucose can be transported using glucose transporters, and like glucose can be broken down for energy or used as a source for building (catabolism). Understanding vitamin C is not easy because understanding glucose is not easy, but if you want to try then you have to learn biochemistry and you will find that glucose can be broken down for energy in the “glycolysis pathway”, or glucose can be used to build biomolecules in the “pentose phosphate pathway”. Vitamin C like glucose can also be used in the pentose phosphate pathway but it’s not clear whether or not vitamin C is used in the glycolysis pathway (doesn’t seem to be), but it does seem to be very involved with energy pathways involving oxygen and electrons. Vitamin C when unneeded can be used in the pentose phosphate pathway, and can be broken down into 2 carbon pieces (oxalate) and excreted in the urine.


Also to understand vitamin C you need to understand the iron firestone of life, how the body uses iron to control oxygen chemistry, and you will note that vitamin C is used as a cofactor in many iron facilitated uses of oxygen in the body where the actual use of the vitamin C is to keep the iron core reduced and active. Vitamin C is integrally related to iron chemistry and even can help the human body absorb more iron.


Both the use of iodine and vitamin C by cells evolved at about the same time 1.8 billion years ago with the evolution of eukaryotic cells from prokaryotic cells, and vitamin C and iodine go together synergistically both being involved in mitochondrial function. Both have many functions but one important function is that they can both be used to deal with electrons from mitochondrial electron transport chain. Whereas iodine I2 can be used as an alternative final electron acceptor instead of oxygen to test mitochondrial function, vitamin C is an electron donor that keeps the membrane fats from succumbing to oxidative damage and is used to keep iron and copper proteins reduced and functional in many pathways. But its important to remember that being derived from glucose that vitamin C is integral to making ATP energy and so is iodine as iodine also promotes mitrochondrial genesis and controls energy at a systems level using thyroid hormones that activate the mitochondria for more ATP energy. Iodine and vitamin C are synergistic in that they both promote energy and both can be use an an anti-oxidant or oxidant for shuttling around electrons to maintain electron transport chain function.


One of the shocking things you will notice about vitamin C if you read the NIH fact sheet for health professionals is that the government is recommending a different dosage of vitamin C for men versus women with adult male recommended to take 90 mg vitamin C whereas adult woman only recommended to take 75 mg vitamin C. That’s ridiculous. From what I can tell it’s based on some data showing that vitamin C is more helpful for men than women for cancer, but from my perspective this is just a reflection that women need more iodine than men for cancer. I think both adult men and women should take the same vitamin C (100 mg a day), but that women need double the iodine of men (4 drops 400% RDA iodine to men 2 drops 200% RDA NeuIodine). Vitamin C and iodine are synergistic but the upper limit of vitamin C in being helpful is more noticeable for women who need more iodine to get the desired anti-cancer effects as men who get more noticeable anti-cancer effects from taking vitamin C since they only need half as much iodine.


I have a hypothesis that humans can use iodine instead of vitamin C for many pathways in the body, and that iodine nutrition compensates for our bodies loss of ability to make vitamin C. Vitamin C is most used in the human brain as is iodine and the two seem to go together for protecting the body and maximizing energy. Both protect cellular respiration at the mitochondria, but iodine and calcium also play roles in regulating body wide energy needs at the thyroid using thyroid hormones two of which contain iodine and two of which regulate calcium levels. The calcium energy pathway is really regulating phosphates and magnesium for use in ATP production whereas the iodine pathway is stimulating mitochondria to make more ATP and to even make more mitochondria to greatly amplify ATP. Vitamin C appears to be used as a mitochondrial protector for amplifying energy and thus taking vitamin C with iodine is a good idea.


As you known I use colloidal silver & gold with iodine for detox, and it is interesting that vitamin C also has detox abilities. The detox ability of vitamin C is that it can free up electrons which toxins sequester. Vitamin C is a cell membrane electrical protector where it keeps cell voltage within correct levels. Vitamin C can keep both iron and copper proteins functioning by keeping the metal core reduced. Vitamin C can also likely function synergistically with noble metals not just copper, but also silver and gold, to keep silver alternative metal cores functioning, and gold is impervious to oxidation making it a useful in anti-oxidant and oxidation protection functions of vitamin C with overlap in vitamin D-calcium-kidney functions of vitamin C where gold is particularly useful for detoxing lead.


It’s important that anyone studying vitamin C really know how vitamin C really works to cure Scurvy as it gives a lot of clues on how vitamin C works in a lot of other pathways like 80 different pathways in the human body. Scurvy is believe to to be a disruption of three different pathways which use vitamin C as a cofactor. The first two pathways are disruptions of pathways that makes functional connective tissue by adding hydroxyl (-OH) groups to lysine and proline amino acids to make collagen fold correctly, and the third pathway is a disruption of a carnitine pathway that causes weakness that uses vitamin C or other anti-oxidant like glutathione. The first two pathways can only use vitamin C as the antioxidant and not glutathione, and ultimately the vitamin C is reducing an iron core where the iron is used to incorporate oxygen as the -OH group on the amino acids (also requires sugar and spits out carbon dioxide) as part of post translational modification of the connective tissue to make it fold correctly without which it fails.


The class of proteins involved in Scurvy are called hydroxylases. In the absence of vitamin C, prolyl-4-hydoxylase and lysyl hydroxylase cannot catalyze (using iron core with oxygen and a sugar) the hydroxylation (-OH group addition). Collagen synthesis is defective and this leads to symptoms of Scurvy. Adding -OH groups onto prolines and lysines are an important post translational modification that allows them to fold correctly into a helix and gives them thermal stability. There are 80 known hydroxylase proteins in the human body which all use vitamin C mostly for reduction of iron cores. The iron is non-heme iron i.e. is free iron not bound in heme which is unusual in the human body as most iron, like iron in our blood, is heme bound. Adding (-OH) groups by hydroxylase enzyme also allows the addition of sugars like glucose (glycosylation) onto the proteins allowing a large variety of post translational modifications to the proteins which are necessary for proper protein function. The generic way these hydroxylase proteins work is by (-OH) coming from an O2 molecule which is catalyzed by an iron atom which requires vitamin C as a cofactor to keep reduced for proper function where the vitamin C is acting as an electron carrier.


Weakness in scurvy from lack of vitamin C can be caused by a disruption in carnitine pathway. Low carnitine results in in decreased oxidation of fatty acids in muscles and other tissues. It can also be related to decreased synthesis of hormones epinepherine and norepinephrine.


Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) is associated with a rapid loss of vitamin C both in plasma and in tissue. So taking your daily vitamin C could very well help with heart attack prevention. I’m not sure the mechanism of this and definitely want to look into more closely.


Vitamin C increases collagen synthesis, increases skin lipid synthesis, and protects skin from oxidative damage. Vitamin C for a variety of dermatological uses such as skin spots and anti-aging. Skin bleeding from scurvy is cured by vitamin C. Some people put vitamin C topically on skin which is not my expertise as I think of vitamin C as being taken internally, but go for it! Because vitamin C is water soluble it has to be added to some some stabilizer to help it permeate the skin for dermatological uses. There are lots of videos online about using vitamin C for skin health, and dermatological uses for vitamin C and related vitamin E that vitamin C helps recycle is a very popular and active field of cosmetics.


Vitamin C potentiates the effects of zinc.


Vitamin C is necessary to protect adrenal from damage, and is secreted from adrenals in times of stress. Deficiency of vitamin C results in high cortisol the stress hormone, and Supplementation of vitamin C results in lowered cortisol.


Without enough vitamin C, the liver struggles to break down cholesterol into bile acids, and this can lead to cholesterol buildup, high cholesterol levels and gallstones. Do not use statin drugs for cholesterol they are poison. Instead try vitamin C and not there is no problem with having high cholesterol in fact high cholesterol is good for you so eat eggs. Eggs are very good for you which is why the government has been driving up the prices of eggs lately as they have to deprive us of eggs before the next bioweapon attack. Hopefully the next Bill Gates bioweapon attack will be cancelled now that RFKJr is in charge of America’s health.


It’s been shown that people given vitamin C intravenously increases the production of hydrogen peroxide dose dependently in the extracellular fluid but not in the blood. I suspect this is from vitamin C activating free iron which is reacting with oxygen, or is thought to be the ascorbyl radical. Most of our iron is not free like this as is heme or protein bound, but we do have some non-heme free iron, and when activated by vitamin C it can fry pathogens and cancer.


Our body uses catalase protein to break down H202 back into O2 and water in places its not wanted where catalase also uses an iron core which could potentially also use vitamin C as a cofactor to keep it reduced but I haven’t been able to confirm. It’s believed that catalase does not use vitamin C, but that vitamin C can affect catalase function. I assume that means that vitamin C as an electron shuttle can help keep the iron core of catalase reduced but that other anti-oxidants besides vitamin C can also do the job, so it’s not specifically vitamin C dependent. High dose vitamin C can actually produce H2O2 in extracelluar fluid so that would affect catalase function by requiring more of it to break down the H202 in areas where its not wanted. H202 in the right place can kill pathogens and cancer, and in the wrong place can cause oxidative damage. Animals that produce vitamin C using GULO gene also produce H2O2 at the same time. More research is needed to better understand how vitamin C is used to at time promote and at time prevent H202 damage. My hypothesis is that the loss of our ability to make vitamin C only getting it from diet may actually contribute to us living longer as less H202 damage to our tissue from producing vitamin C on our own.


Oxygen kills cancer cells because cancer are generally anerobic dysfunctional. Normally we think of vitamin C as an anti-oxidant but in high does it can produce oxygen like how it can produce H202 which breaks down into oxygen and water with catalase in extracellular fluid. So for killing cancer vitamin C can act as a pro-oxidant to deliver oxygen to cancer to kill it whereas many of its other uses in the body are anti-oxidant in nature. The ability of vitamin C like iodine to be used as both an oxidant and an anti-oxidant give them both very powerful anti-cancer properties.


Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) is a first line hydrophillic anti-oxidant whereas glutathione is a better anti-oxidant than vitamin C for scavenging peroxynitrite. Some proteins like carnitine pathway can use either vitamin C or glutathione as anti-oxidant, but many of the vitamin C pathways such as the hydroxylase proteins can only use vitamin C not glutathione. It seems to me that vitamin C is used more for reducing iron and copper mineral enzymes than is glutathione. Glutathione has a 100x less affinity for superoxide than does vitamin C.


SOD (superoxide dismutase) uses copper and zinc core and you we might think would require vitamin C for continued good function, but there has been no direct evidence SOD uses vitamin C. Regardless, vitamin C has a high affinity for superoxide radicals (O2-) and works alongside SOD in the body for protecting us from oxidative damage from superoxide particles. More research is needed for me to better understand why some parts of the body would prefer either vitamin C versus SOD to deal with superoxides.


Vitamin C can recycle vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) for lipid protection from oxidation. Vitamin E like Vitamin C is also known to be good for the skin. Vitamin E and C work together to protect lipid membranes from oxidation.


If you are constipated your vitamin C levels are likely low. The iMedDo cure for constipation is to add a drop of NeuSilver to a cup of coffee and it will clear you up.


Vitamin C is actively absorbed in the intestines using a sodium salt transporter, so if you wash your vitamin C pill down with electrolytes it will better absorb. The human body needs both sodium and potassium, and I recommend you use a salt blend that has a 10x higher potassium chloride (KCl) to sodium chloride (NaCl), but you need at least a little of the sodium like in regular table salt (NaCl) to help absorb vitamin C. Processed food have plenty even too much sodium so likely if you low in vitamin C its not because you not getting enough sodium in your diet.


I’m trained in molecular Neuroscience, and I didn’t realize until writing this article the importance of vitamin C in the brain used for making a whole slew of neurotransmitters as that was completely new information for me. I found out that sailors with scurvy even as their bodies were wasting away for lack of vitamin C, still had their mental facilities as their brains were hoarding what little vitamin C stores they had. The brain is the biggest user and hoarder of vitamin C, and this topic is so broad that I just have to skip it for this article, just be aware there is a whole giant field of vitamin C Neuroscience that needs to be explored. Hopefully I can come back to this in a future episode down the road.


Vitamin C can be used to demethylate and thus activate DNA.


Vitamin C is needed for myelin formation by Schwann cells and without can lead to peripheral neuropathy.


Some people online claim that vitamin C can be used as a pain reliever. I wasn’t able to verify this or not so let me known if anyone has done this successfully. It seems plausible as demyelinated nerves could cause pain, and taking vitamin C for people with nerve problems could help with pain. Also, pain caused from breaking down connective tissue i.e. Scurvy would be cured with vitamin C. So yes, likely taking vitamin C could help with pain in some situations especially when underlying cause of the pain is from Scurvy or nerve problems related to low vitamin C.


Vitamin C is crucial for immune responses, having anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-viral properties, and is very synergistic with the iMedDo detox system.


In the 1970’s famous vitamin C research Linus Pauling indicated that vitamin C can cure the common cold. Vitamin C can sometimes cure the common cold and sometime taking vitamin C just reduces the duration of being sick, but either way taking vitamin C is good, especially taking extra when stressed or sick. Research indicates that vitamin C can decrease the incidence of the common cold by 50% in athletes but not others indicating that vitamin C works best in combination with other minerals and vitamins of which I would argue you need to add iodine for best vitamin C synergy which is why I recommend vitamin C in Power Source One multivitamin to go along with the iMedDo detox system which contains nascent iodine as NeuIodine used with NeuSilver & NeuGold. Most people will instinctively grab an extra orange when sick which is always a good idea.


Because of the similarity of vitamin C and glucose, it can be disrupted by refined sugar.


Because of the similarity of vitamin C and glucose, I suspect that vitamin C plays an important role in diabetes prevention. Sure enough, it is believed that people with diabetes need extra vitamin C (125 mg/day instead of 100 mg/day). Also it’s interesting if diabetics (diabetes mellitus) have “sweet blood” i.e. too much glucose in their blood, maybe the glucose transporters are refusing to let glucose in because what they really want is DHA oxidized form of ascorbic acid to import instead so that they can turn it back to ascorbic acid inside the cells. Also note that peripheral neuropathy is experienced by diabetics and by low vitamin C is likely connected. Diabetics should definitely take more vitamin C, and because many Americans are pre-diabetic from all the high fructose corn sugar in processed food (please cut out of your diet), they also need additional vitamin C.


The NIH fact sheet for health professionals recommends that smokers need an additional 35 mg/day vitamin C. I assume government’s recommendation of more vitamin C for smokers is just because smokers are exposed to additional oxidative damage and thus need more vitamin C as an anti-oxidant. But by this logic everyone needs more vitamin C as we are all exposed to plenty of oxidative damage from toxins in food, air and water. My take is just do the 100 mg/day vitamin C, stop smoking, and to counter all the toxins be in a constant state of detox using the iMedDo Detox System along with your vitamin C.


Vitamin C does so much in the body that its a bit overwhelming to learn about. Don’t wait until you are a vitamin C expert to start taking vitamin C, as you could likely learn about vitamin C your whole life and still not know it all. I discovered while writing this article that there is a whole large field of vitamin C Neuroscience that I need to look into, and I look forward to learning more about vitamin C for many years to come. Because vitamin C is crucial for post transcriptional modification of proteins and even for DNA expression from DNA demethylation, it’s involved in a lot of pathways in the body that haven’t even been discovered yet. We have only scratched the surface of what vitamin C does, and I hope that reading this article gave you a lot to think about. The key to learning more about vitamin C is to note its similarity to glucose, & it’s use in iron and oxygen, and as an electron shuttle for energy and protection. Lack of vitamin C can be lethal from Scurvy which is now rare, but most people can benefit from taking a daily vitamin C supplement in addition to getting vitamin C from your diet. To maximize your health I recommend doing the iMedDo Detox System and also the Power Source One Multivitamin which can be obtained at as gift for donation through iMedDo Foundation.

May the blessing of God be upon you who have learned about vitamin C, that you may all See the truth, AMEN.

DrBenGo Healthwarrior

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