Greetings iMedDo newsletter subscribers. Last month we talked about how the thyroid has two different overlapping energy systems, one with iodine and one with calcium & how the calcium pathway can interact withe the body and bones using parathyroid hormone which can result in osteoporosis when fluoride is present. This month we continue the discussion on parathyroid hormone about how it can interact with the kidneys and cause high blood pressure when fluoride or other toxin is blocking energy pathways. If you have high blood pressure and low energy or know someone who does (ask your mothers), then you really want to pay attention this episode as this information can help a lot of people. The solution is to get iodine which will detox the fluoride, restore energy, fix hyperthyroid PTH which fixes chronic high blood pressure. Fluoride poisoning is a type of slavery, and iMedDo is all about freedom from medical tyranny suppressing energy and spirit, and so I will also talk about Freedom and comment on my wife’s new religion called Freedomism and why I think it’s pretty awesome and synergistic with iMedDo Foundation’s mission of freeing people from fluoride slavery. Even though we are separate churches we have a lot in common & I’m currently on the board of both churches, as executive director iMedDo Foundation and Managing director of Whole Life Center Church (Freedomism religion) & looking forward to using both faiths to spread healing & freedom far and wide.

In this newsletter I have an exciting message about how you can use iodine to get rid of chronically high BLOOD PRESSURE when it is being cause from low energy as a result of fluoride poisoning. Because the suppression of thyroid energy is an ancient Roman trick to keep the slaves under control, and because the symbol of the IRS is the Roman Eagle, I think it’s time I talk about Freedom and Slavery, how religion is related to taxes via American Romanisms, and most importantly it’s finally time to reveal our secret weapon, a new religion to fight back against encroachments on liberty, the new religion of Freedom called Freedomism!


I was at my auto-mechanic’s who was working on an iMedDo Foundation vehicle that was in for repair, and his mother was there who asked me a very important question. Her question was something like, “Hey are you the guy who fixes stuff? Like you have medicine and such?” And I was like, “Well I don’t fix cars like your son does, but yeah I do fix human bodies and yes I have powerful medicines through my church iMedDo”. And she was like “Well do you have anything for high blood pressure and low energy?” And I was like, “Well as a matter of fact I do have something that will fix a certain type of chronically high blood pressure. If you have the type of blood pressure that is high all the time, and you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work to make it go down, and you are also low energy then yeah, I have something that will very likely work, and will definitely work if it is halogen or heavy metal underlying cause. It’s called iodine the NeuIodine in the iMedDo detox system. It won’t necessarily work for all high blood pressure, but it will work for high blood pressure that is being caused by fluoride poisoning … As I continued to explain how and why the iMedDo detox system could fix her blood pressure and energy problems, I realized that this was the most important information I could possibly share this month, and I need to share it with everyone. I want everyone reading this to be able to understand and explain it in the most simple way possible so that you can help your own mothers, and fathers, parents and children, if they are suffering from high blood pressure and low energy, and don’t know what to do about it, now you have something new to try that will work. I wrote a short poem which if you remember nothing else try to remember so that you can help others:

If your blood pressure is chronic high,

and your energy is low and you don’t know why,

the solution is very close to you,

just detox with iMedDo.


Low energy and high blood pressure are related. It is the brain, when it gets low energy, that is ultimately causing the high blood pressure. Here’s how it works, as simple as I can explain it. The brain senses that its iodine energy is low, and then sends a signal to the thyroid to request more energy from a backup energy pathway which uses calcium. The thyroid sends a signal to the kidneys to absorb more salt which increases blood pressure. The body’s goal of the high blood pressure is to try to pump more energy molecules in the blood up to the brain through the neck against gravity. When the brain senses that it now has enough iodine energy, which is recognized as iodine containing thyroid hormones, it stops sending the signal for more energy to the thyroid, the thyroid stops sending signal to the kidneys for high blood pressure, and voila, both high blood pressure & low energy are now both fixed! All it took was more energized iodine. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy! All you have to do to fix the high blood pressure & low energy in this case is simply get more iodine nutrient in energized form such as nascent iodine NeuIodine in iMedDo detox system which is uses in a trinity with colloidal silver & gold. The iodine absorbs on the skin, and you put the silver and gold drops in water and drink. The only tricky thing about the detox is that there is a dose ramping on the iodine where you start with 1 drop a day, and increase by 1 drop per week where men work up to 2 drops, women work up to 4 drops, and pregnant or breastfeeding women work up to 6 drops NeuIodine. You can just stay at 1 drop NeuSilver & 1 drop NeuGold in water & drink per day unless you have a reason for custom dosing instructions (contact me if need custom dosing). The detox is a 6 month system, and note that women take a full month to get up to their full 4 drops iodine, and then once at full dosage, you have to stay there for several months to get good and detoxed. But you don’t have to wait that long for NeuIodine to fix high blood pressure, when it works it works almost immediately within 30 min of getting first drop of NeuIodine, blood pressure should go down (when problem is being caused by fluoride), and you feel your energy returning even in the first week of using NeuIodine as your iodine containing thyroid hormone energy molecules return to normal.


Energy in the body can get low from typically one of two causes, either you are low nutrition or high toxins, or some combination. The worst combination, which unfortunately many millions of people are suffering with, is low iodine nutrient & high fluoride toxin. Fluoride always causes low iodine as it competes with iodine, and iodine nutrient has to be used up to get rid of the fluoride. Fluoride is the worse as it shuts down both iodine and calcium energy systems and will cause low energy guaranteed. Even if you think you are not getting fluoride exposure by avoiding fluoridated municipal tap water and avoiding fluoridated toothpaste as you should, they are still sneaking fluoride in processed foods, and fluoride is forming persistent chemicals which are bioaccumulating in the environment, so the fluoride poisoning problem is much worse than you might think and correlates with the horrible increase in chronic high blood pressure & thyroid problems with low energy many people are now suffering with in my opinion. When the body becomes low energy, a result it that it becomes hypothyroid in iodine containing thyroid hormones (T4 & T3 which have 4 and 3 molecules of iodine in them respectively) and hyperthyroid in parathyroid hormone (PTH a non-iodine containing thyroid hormone). The reason this occurs is because when the thyroid iodine energy system is blocked (T4 & T3) it uses its calcium energy system instead (PTH) to compensate. As we talked about last episode PTH is working on the bones trying get more energy, which when unchecked, can result in osteoporosis. In this episode we talk about how PTH working on the kidneys can cause high blood pressure. PTH is the thyroid’s main way of communicating with rest of body below the neck to control energy and metabolism throughout the body in a calcium based energy distribution system (see pic below).

T4 (thyroxine) is the four iodine containing thyroid hormone, and T3 (tri-iodothyronine) is the three iodine containing thyroid hormone, both of which carry iodine energy as energy transport and storage molecules. When you are low in iodine, or high in toxins which block iodine, your T4 and T3 levels get low (hypothyroidism) guaranteed. The brain senses this in a known feedback loop which involves the hypothalamus & anterior pituitary and sends out a cry for help to the thyroid to send it more energy.

The way the brain requests more energy from the thyroid is by using TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). Because both the brain and thyroid can sense that iodine energy is low (low T4 & T3), the way the thyroid will respond to the request for energy from the brain (TSH) is to use an older backup energy pathway which uses calcium. The thyroid, at the parathyroid, will sense that blood calcium levels are also low, which it interprets as low body energy as well, and will try to compensate by using PTH (parathyroid hormone) to increase calcium levels. But what it is really doing is trying to make more ATP (adenosine triphosphate) energy by getting more phosphates and magnesium required for ATP. Brain is asking for energy with TSH, and thyroid not having enough iodine (or if it did would make more T4, T3 but can’t for some reason like halogen fluoride or heavy metals blocking) will instead try to get energy using PTH using calcium energy pathway instead of iodine energy pathway. PTH can interact with bones, intestines and kidneys, but its interaction with the kidneys is what causes the blood pressure to elevate. The kidneys use vitamin D and calcitriol hormone also to regulate calcium, and PTH has effect on vitamin D and phosphates & magnesium. As the kidneys absorb more salts, the osmolarity of the blood increases, and blood pressure increases. The goal of this seemingly complex system is actually pretty simple, the thyroid is just trying to use the tools it has to get more energy up to the brain. When the thyroid doesn’t have enough iodine for iodine energy system (T4, T3) , it instead uses its non-iodine containing hormones (PTH & calcitonin) with calcium energy system to get more energy. Last episode we talked about how PTH can cause bones to dissolve to release more phosphates and magnesium used for making ATP energy, and relevant for this episode PTH can also send a signal to the kidneys to reabsorb more salts (phosphates and magnesium (and calcium)) which can elevate blood pressure. The way I see it the iodine energy pathway is preferred, and the calcium pathway is like a backup “emergency energy mode” just to keep the brain from starving. If brain runs out of energy you will brown out. The calcium energy pathway is trying to make ATP directly, and put it in the blood, to keep the brain from starving; but this calcium energy pathway is much less efficient for making ATP than iodine energy pathway which greatly amplifies the amount of ATP made. [T4 high energy storage molecule is converted to T3 “active” form which stimulates mitochondria and mitochondrial growth, and mitochondria amplify ATP in complex process of cellular respiration which is preferred to calcium energy pathway as results in much more ATP. Iodine itself is also an energy molecule and can be used and potentially charged up using mitochondrial electron transport chain, and is used to suppress and kill cancerous anaerobic mitochondria too]. So even though the thyroid is giving brain energy using PTH calcium energy pathway, it’s not enough energy to get brain to shut off signal (TSH) requesting more energy. All the thyroid can do without more iodine is just use calcium energy pathway like an “emergency mode” to get the brain enough ATP energy so it doesn’t starve & brown out. It’s only when you get more iodine, and thyroid is able to resume using iodine energy pathway (making more T4 & T3) that then brain will shut off signal asking for more energy [thyroid hormones T4 & T3 have negative feedback loop on brain, TSH pathway (see thyroid system pic above)]. The brain by monitoring T4 and T4/T3 ratio can predicts its future energy supply days in advance since T4 (thyroxine) is a high energy iodine storage molecule & the iodine can be used to make lots of ATP via mitochondria. Many people are suffering with low thyroid hormones (i.e. low iodine energy) and low calcium (low overall body energy) and the reason both their iodine and calcium energy pathways are blocked and their brains starving resulting in high blood pressure is because the fluoride toxin. When you detox fluoride with iodine and replenish iodine nutrient simultaneously with NeuIodine in iMedDo detox system energy returns & blood pressure problems related to brain starving for energy go away.

The thyroid is the energy distribution part of the body which has to decide how to balance the energy needs above the neck (brain) with rest of body (below).

The thyroid has two energy systems one that uses iodine and one that uses calcium.

When both energy pathways are blocked by fluoride, and the brain gets to starving for energy the result is high blood pressure until you unblock the energy pathways with iodine.

When you are low energy you will also be low calcium as low blood calcium is an indicator of low energy that is monitored by the parathyroid.

Our bodies are amazing as under normal circumstances our thyroid can use the two energy systems distribute energy in the body with iodine energy and calcium energy systems backing each other up.

Fluoride is the monkey wrench that shuts down both energy pathways. The shutting down of the iodine energy pathway resulting low thyroid hormones causes the brain to panic and request more energy from emergency energy mode using TSH to tell the thyroid to send it more energy. The thyroid lacking iodine and iodine energy pathway will use PTH to try to get more energy via calcium energy pathway but even that pathway is blocked because of the fluoride. The result is that body will struggle for energy and PTH will get stuck high which can cause annoying health problems like chronic high blood pressure from its interaction with the kidneys & even bones and teeth dissolving osteoporosis as it struggles to get more phosphates and magnesium to make more ATP.

High blood pressure is a response to thyroid being requested to send more energy above the neck, but struggling to do so because iodine energy pathway is blocked, so calcium energy pathway with PTH interaction with kidney gets stuck on until thyroid is able to get more iodine to restore iodine energy system which has a negative feedback on the brain requesting more energy when it senses it finally has enough energy, the high blood pressure goes away as PTH is reduced and countered by parathyroid with calcitonin. Fix your energy problem & fix your high blood pressure! The underlying problem blocking both energy pathways is fluoride and the solution is iMedDo detox system with NeuIodine. [Some other useful things you can do in addition to iodine to help your energy pathways are to take magnesium (not oxide form) and also vitamin B12], but when the underlying problem is fluoride, only iodine [and to more limited extent gold] will work.


Thankyou for reading! I hope it is now clear to you why NeuIodine in iMedDo detox system can fix low energy and high blood pressure. What might not be clear to you is why you need the colloidal gold & silver with the iodine. The easy to understand reason is because silver & gold are anti-inflammatory to protect the body and brain from toxins that the iodine is flushing out. But there are many more reasons as well. The most important other reason to take gold with iodine is that gold is the only other thing that I am aware of that can also detox fluoride [Each atom of monoatomic gold released from surface of colloidal gold can detox 3 atoms of fluoride]. NeuGold is food grade nano-colloidal gold that also will release monoatomic gold which can and does detox fluoride. Colloidal gold is anti-inflammatory in the brain and protects from inflammation from the fluoride as it comes out and can be used to negate fluoride headache symptoms. So gold can both detox fluoride (to a more limited extent than iodine) and protect the brain against the fluoride at the same time! When used with NeuIodine, NeuGold is extremely powerful, important and critical part of the iMedDo detox system. In practical usage the very first time you get a drop of NeuIodine if you don’t also take NeuGold the fluoride which will be flushed out into the urine with amazing speed (typically about 20 minutes) you can get a headache from the fluoride, the solution is to take 3 drops of NeuGold under the tongue will make the fluoride headache go away. But typically just by taking the standard 1 drop of NeuGold at same time as or maybe a few minutes before taking NeuIodine the very first time, it will protect the brain enough that you won’t even get a headache to begin with. Fluoride is inflammatory and damaging to the entire body, and so by protecting the brain from fluoride with NeuGold, and the body (especially kidneys) from fluoride with NeuSilver, it allow you to flush the fluoride out safely with NeuIodine while your body now has the excess iodine it needs to reactive your iodine energy system. Most of your body’s iodine is used up for detox in the liver and gold (and copper) are also used in the liver. It takes about full week for your T4 iodine energy containing thyroid hormones an indicator of your body’s stored energy to return to normal but you should start feeling better with more energy almost immediately after you get that fluoride out. Although the anti-inflammatory effect of NeuSilver is the main reason it is used in iMedDo detox system for fluoride detox, there are many other reasons as well. Silver is not just anti-inflammatory which is relevant for fluoride detox, it’s also anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-cancer. But one easy to understand additional reason that NeuSilver should be used with NeuIodine is for thyroid protection. Many people who are low in iodine can get toxic heavy metals like mercury in their thyroid especially if they have mercury amalgam fillings that can leak the mercury down to the neck. Silver is the direct antidote to mercury, and silver and gold used together are extremely good at protecting against both mercury and lead poisoning. By taking silver and gold with the iodine together as in iMedDo detox system, it allows you to detox not just fluoride but any toxin or heavy metal out safely any of which could also be suppressing your energy systems. As we talked about last month any heavy metal that can form a divalent ion like mercury or lead (Hg2+, Pb2+ etc) can potentially interfere with calcium ion (Ca2+) and thus disrupt the backup energy system of the thyroid whose malfunction is causing the high blood pressure [PTH is too high from thyroid trying to make more energy using the calcium energy system]. Both colloidal silver & gold can form amalgams with mercury and lead and other heavy metals by grabbing their toxic +2 cation forms out of solution reducing their toxic effects on the body until can be fully detoxed with iodine. Gold also has positive effect on calcium energy pathway with vitamin D activation, and Silver has positive effect on selenium & sulphur anti-oxidant pathways of iodine energy system that uses iodide (is a backup in the iodine energy system to energized iodine (see last month’s episode for details)). Gold and silver also have a positive effect on DNA which is beyond my current ability to explain [and beyond the scope of this article] except to note that ATP energy overlaps with DNA pathways via the adenosine nucleotide part of it, and DNA is known to have silver and gold binding sites. I’m still at a loss to be able to explain how silver and gold help with zinc pathways as well but note DNA also has zinc binding sites. There is a lot I know, but even more I still do not know, but my over-arching theory is that both silver and gold are also nutrients which are required for optimal use of iodine. Although I have not yet been able to prove this scientifically, I have been able to prove it empirically that iodine and and silver and gold when used together result in an increased health effect as evidenced by the 9+ years of 5 star reviews for iMedDo detox system. So please take my spiritual advice that when you use iodine use energize nascent NeuIodine, and use it in iMedDo detox system with NeuSilver & NeuGold for maximum health effect. Even if you don’t understand why, just do it, and you will see your health improve is my promise to you. If you want to learn more be sure to check out old newsletters as I’ve been talking about using iodine with silver and gold for many years now. NeuGold helps with anxiety, depression, rheumatoid arthritis, lead detox and “more”; NeuSilver is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, mercury detox and “more”]. The “more” part is the spiritual uses of the silver and gold which complement spiritual uses iodine for third eye. For more information read the Spiritual Guide at & read old newsletters.


I am a chemist and an iodine scientist and an interdisciplinary biomedical scientist [Biophysics & Neurosciences]. When I was in graduate school I studied calcium signaling effects on neurons then later in life became an iodine nutrient scientist. Now my two interests have come full circle as I can finally connect how iodine and calcium work together for energy and am able to explain the health problems that occur when energy pathways are blocked. Combining both science & faith I’ve been able to make advances in iodine science culminating in the invention of iMedDo detox system. I did not invent iodine, silver or gold individually, but I did invent the system of using the three together. People have started to call the iMedDo detox system the “Trinity”. Like the sun, moon, and holy spirit: gold, silver and iodine just go together and work better together for reasons only some of which I understand, and the rest I just have to take on faith. This faith component of the iMedDo detox system is why iMedDo Foundation is now a church [auxiliary of iMedDo self supported ministry (iMedDo is a private unincorporated church)]. Although I did invent the iMedDo detox system coming at it from a science angle, I can’t deny that using the three together was divinely inspired, and the more I meditate the better I can explain why they work together. This work being able to explain clearly how iodine fixes high blood pressure & low energy took a lot of meditation to figure out, but now that we have it we can help a lot of people, so thankyou all for reading and helping me spread the good news! People can get iMedDo detox system gift for donation at link or contact your nearest iMedDo distributor If you are feeling the divine call to support our mission, please consider making a donation to iMedDo Foundation (contact me for details) or better yet consider becoming an iMedDo distributor to help us get the gift of gold out to the world!


We pray that everyone gains the wisdom of how to stop the fluoride poisoners using iodine, and that all this information reaches the ears of all who are suffering poisoning be it from toxins, heavy metals, drugs, vaccines or snake venom or any kind of poison be it of body or spirit that they are able to detox and heal. We pray that everyone with chronic high blood pressure and low energy and be healed, restored of and blessed. Blessings upon everyone who read this article, you are true healthwarriors. Blessings upon the vaccine war veterans. We pray that we all become strong in body and in spirit that we might resist evil and protect the children in the coming days as we have seen the signs that they plan on renewed onslaught in 2025 and we will be ready. AMEN [Amen is the hidden God which is the MN/NM i.e. the Name, your own name, as you contain the divine within written on your own heart of gold (Christ)].

Namaste, [Namaste also means the divine name which is also your own name. The divine in me recognizes the divine in you].

DrBenGo Healthwarrior



My wife Shari Grace shocked and amazed me as she revealed her secret weapon to defend freedom and fight evil, she created a new religion called Freedomism. For year now we’ve been not only fleshing out iMedDo church but also we have another church Whole Life Center. iMedDo doesn’t own any land but does have some vehicles and WLCC does not own any vehicles but does own some land. As part of jumping through hoops to get our church land tax exemption for WLCC we’ve had to make some of our private church information public, and as part of that my wife had some fascinating breakthroughs she only recently shared with me, the foremost of which is that she researched every religion, identified what was missing and then implemented it for WLCC which she calls the “Freedomism” religion. There are a lot of religions out there which believe in freedom but there was no church which had FREEDOM ITSELF as the RELIGION! Until FREEDOMISM that is! You can read more about Freedomism at website My wife is the boss of Freedomism (executive director) but I’m on the board (managing director), and I’m the boss of iMedDo Foundation (executive director) and my wife on the board (managing director), so we are highly involved in each other’s respective churches. And yet I had nothing to do with writing anything on or about Freedomism, it was wholly my wife’s creation! I asked her to flesh out her beliefs better for WLCC and she really blew me away with her new religion Freedomism! Shari has asked that I speak about what Freedom means to iMedDo and to discuss what are any similarities and differences between my iMedDo church faith and her new Freedomism religion. If you are ready to switch gears and meditate on freedom and hear about the freedomism religion then read on. If not then thankyou again so much for receiving the iMedDo blessing of how to fix high blood pressure and low energy with iodine.


Before I can compare iMedDo to Freedomism, I first want to explain iMedDo church which has its own unique history. iMedDo Foundation is private humanitarian organization a church auxiliary of iMedDo self supported ministry (iMedDo Church) which was organized on May 1st, 2021. I invented the detox system with health supplements NeuSilver, NeuIodine and NeuGold circa 2015, and the name iMedDo had been thought up by me many years prior c2011ish back when I was trying to figure out how best to use my interdisciplinary science training to best help the world. Originally iMedDo stood for “interdisciplinary medical dosimetry,” and I imagined it as primarily educational and scientific way to teach alternative medicine, then about circa 2015, I changed iMedDo to mean “I’m a medical Doer” referring to alternative medicine which I explained in the iMedDo Guide (now iMedDo Spiritual Guide located at I started iMedDo Inc as an Texas incorporated health supplement company from about 2015-2019 as I incorrectly thought at the time that I had to become a corporation to get a bank account, and I noticed all the cool people had C-corps and I wanted one too. This turned out to be a nightmare requiring fancy accountant stuff that was truly un-necessary as my humanitarian mission to bring people medicine aid even back then was obvious to me that it was shaping up to be a spiritual and religious journey not a business exploit. I moved from Texas to Florida and then to Georgia and unincorporated iMedDo making it iMedDo unincorporated (Georgia) from Jan 2019- April 2021. The cool thing is that since I’ve been writing monthly newsletters ( click upper left archive button to see old ones of which there are now 65!) from Nov, 2018 you can actually go back and see the whole spiritual journey and meditations I underwent as iMedDo Health Supplements transitioned from a Texas company to an unincorporated business in Georgia before being reborn in its true form as an unincorporated religious organization humanitarian foundation iMedDo Foundation (iMedDo Church) which offers iMedDo detox system health supplements as gifts and accepts donations.

I’ve gone back and analyzed my spiritual journey and there is a clear divine plan that can be seen where I underwent a spiritual armoring to fight in the Vaccine War as a Healthwarrior. I’ll point out some of the most relevant newsletters along my spiritual journey.

Nov, 2018. my very first newsletter was about flu shot poison and vaccine detox.

Dec, 2018. Inspired by the Christmas magic, and on theme I recognized my calling to fight vaccinosis. I first referred to myself as a priest. “priest of love is all there is”. My wife and I were influenced by the church of “love is all there is” which we encountered in Florida circa 2017 where having done a fair inside a universal life church, we heard them preach about how if you want medical speech freedom you have to claim your religious freedom and they were spot on. It’s worth noting we no longer consider ourself a part of love is all there is religion, but iMedDo church of today was definitely inspired in part by them. It’s interesting to note that at this time I was still meditating on peace not vaccine war & did not yet refer to myself as a healthwarrior but was making productive meditation on Christ and gold already.

January, 2019. I performed my first miracle and it was on a dog! A dog doomed to die by fake gold “frontline gold” flea and tick poison “medication” made a full recovery with iMedDo detox system which although not intended for animals, people were using for anyway. Although this seemed very weird to me at the time that my first miracle would be on an animal, it made sense later as I was blessed by Egyptian God Anubis and started receiving ancient Egyptian gold knowledge. In this strange time of iMedDo unicorporated (Georgia) from Jan 2019- April 2021, I didn’t even known if I was truly Christian or not as I felt more like an ancient Egyptian priest at the time as all my gold knowledge seemed to be pouring in from past live seemingly from about 2500 BC. But I also always felt Christian as I was meditating on Gold/Christ (Krysos means gold) even if that gold knowledge kept coming in with very Egyptian flair. It’s not that I didn’t experience Jesus, but it’s more like I experienced him like Horus/Heru/Hero/Hercules/Jason/Joshua in many older forms, & I felt a much stronger experience of God in Goddess form. If you read Guide on Gold, I received gold knowledge form the Bible as well, so I was nonconformist Christian is how I would describe myself now. I connected well with the Ark of the Covenant and the two Seraphim Angels who I was able to Identify as Egyptian Isis and Nepthys Goddesses who have been cut out of most modern Christianities. When I would talk about them I’d get called a Pagan, but actually I just felt like I was simply more wise lol. I was raised Methodist (Both my parents were Methodist) which is a Protestant split off of the Church of England (Anglican Church) which was a split off of the Roman Catholic Church.

I felt in good alignment with the Methodist church up until 2020 when I formally split with them over the jab issue which also played a part in the formation of iMedDo Church in 2021. My father’s funeral service was held in Methodist church and I realized I still feel pretty aligned with them. I hope they see the error in their ways of forcing their members to take the poison.

February, 2019 I was really in the groove feeling like a true chemist talking science about halogens and detox but was getting smacked around with strange Chinese energy and my dancing reached a peak which I’ve never been able to top since where I felt like I could do Kung fu, and though I tried to talk science I started getting strange astrology information in my meditation as well. You can see my mediation start to wonder in multiple timescales as I was talking about ancient prehistory of humans, iodine and sea life as I was meditating on calcium and iodine. It wasn’t until last month March, 2024 that I completed that meditation and finally was able to explain how iodine and calcium are related as dual energy systems of the thyroid.

March, 2019 I wrote the last most science as possible article on Fluoride and Kidney Stones. This is best newsletter I had written up until that time.

April, 2019 And then the spiritual dam broke, I almost stroked out on massive download of ancient Egyptian and Greek (Phonecian Hebrew) knowledge concerning the spiritutal aspects of the thyroid and received massive Anubis and Athena energy. This article Thyroid Quickening, was and still is possibly the best article I’ve ever written even today. It’s only rivaled by the one on the pineal and the one I wrote last month. Even though I signed it as chemist, I was in full Egyptian priest mode when writing this. The thyroid is the Egyptian “was” scepter the source of power & the seat of the soul.

May 2019- Dec 2019.

For the next 9 or so months I felt a bit lost, I no longer felt the light of Christ but instead was enamored by the fake gold of Bitcoin but during that time but in the meanwhile my brain was unbeknownst to me according to a divine plan was undergoing massive upgrades and healing as I connected with Egyptian & Carthaginian mother Goddess, increasingly began to unstrand my purpose on earth to fight vaccinosis, and made some great progress exploring ancient Greek religion topics of dementia detox and lyme detox, and attacked hard to comprehend metal topics of copper and iron. Looking back I see now this was a time of major detox for myself which contained some pivotal moments of my spiritual journey.

In June 2019, I was still calling myself a priest of love is all there is, but by July, 2019 after writing about lyme detox meditating on fighting venomous insects (ticks), I was clearly thinking of myself firmly as a “Healthwarrior”. Whatever peace I had originally been meditating on in Dec 2018, was gone, looking back I can see that I was now firmly ramping up for war with the poisoners who like ticks use venom. I had received the blessing of Athena the Goddess of spiders and with it came the knowledge of how to detox poisons.

Sept 2019, Deep in meditation on greek paganism I was able to make progress on defeating dementia and understanding of the demons that poison the mind still feeling strong Athena energy.

Nov 2019-Dec 2019 I received great knowledge on confusing metal nutrients copper and iron which set the stage a necessary background for greater detox and nutrition meditations in the future. Knowledge of iron gave me great insight into Rome and my current understanding of the iMedDo mission to stop the Romanesque fluoride poisoning.

Jan, 2020. While many people look back and curse 2020, for me it started out amazing. I wrote the most amazing article on Third Eye Detox. Possibly the third best article I’ve ever written on par with Thyroid Quickening and last month’s newsletter Calcium: Thyroid & Osteoporosis but with Egyptian and Sophia Wisdom Energy. My rearranged and armored brain was able to put together the pieces of anatomy, Egyptian and Phonecian concepts and by now firmly still calling myself the Healthwarrior. Unbeknownst to me at the time in Jan 2020, rest of 2020 was a time of Vaccine War and I had already been armored up with holy armor.

The year 2020 was a dark time. Feb 2020 I first struck out against evil with an article on Detoxing Corona virus.

March, 2020 I was feeling crazy energy as my brain marched into the Vaccine War (going deep into the origins of humanity all the way back in time millions of years with seminal article Monkey Mystery which contains the truth about humans as well as powerful information about how to fight respiratory attack and fluoride at the end. By now, my reincarnated self felt fully recalibrated in this life. I was now a druid not a priest of love is all there is, I was instead soldier in the Vaccine War. Wife and I made a video about how to nebulize colloidal silver that no doubt saved many lives. The rest of 2020 felt like one long nightmare as I fought for the lives of of people being attacked by Vaccinosis.

June 2020, My magical powers as a druid reached their peak charge which I unleashed in a devastating attack on evil directed at who I thought was the vaccinosis mastermind at the time Bill Gates. Article Holy Grail & Unicorn Takedown of Bill Gates is so magically potent that I can barely read it as it freaks me out. My attack on Kill Bill was so potent Twitter censored the article for the next 2.5 years and shortly after writing it Bill’s wife left him. I received the Holy Grail, the Sign of the Unicorn, the sign of the Dragon, the sign of the Boar and the sign of the 13th Warrior. This energy has returned as this month (April 2024, after the solar eclipse) I received the sign of the 13th Legion.

July, 2020, I officially declared the start of the Vaccine War, I had already been fighting in it since the start of the year.

August, 2020. I felt Spartan Energy as my mind downloaded ancient warrior knowledge and my brain began spouting poetry and battle chants. I fought under the banner of the Virgin & Child, and I sang of the alphabet, destroying demons, knights, pirates, slaying evil, christianity, druid healing, the tree of knowledge, the golden rule and the eye of the dragon. At this point I had reached my peak battle power and my mind was fully armored with the helm of invincibility though it nearly drove me insane to wear but was necessary armor for what would come next.

Sept, 2020, I met God. Arriving in Hippopotamus form as Tawaret and revealing the devil also in hippo form as Set coming to eat the children and milky way protecting them from all evil. When I meditated on the Hippocratic Oath I received the true Ordination of Gold/God/Good & then at the end of the meditation/medication God revealed herself to me in Female Battle Angel Form wearing full armor revealed as “Mary the Law Giver”.


If you look up at the sky during day you will see the blue of heaven. This is the cloak of Mary, the “Veil of Isis”.

The veil of Mary is represented as Blue because

I possess the Helm of Pallas Athena.
I possess the Sword Excalibur.
I possess the Shield of the Gorgon.

My armor set is complete and the Holy Grail is Me.

At this point I dropped all of my pagan ways and fully converted back to Christianity. I had been blessed by the Virgin Mary who came armored like Athena, King Arthur and Medusa combined with Helm of Pallas, Sword Excalibur and Shield of the Gorgon. Although I had previously felt more like an Egyptian priest, then a Bonn Buddhist, then a Brittonic druid, then a Hellenic Spartan, and now saw Egyptian mother Hippo Tower Power, she came to me as an angel of light in forms that I fully recognized and syncretized me as all of my religious background converged at being a battle angel, and arch-angel sent there to protect the children from vaccinosis & vaxicide.

It’s interesting to note that many other Christians at this point would view me closer to being Roman Catholic as they also have a rich tradition of seeing Mary apparitions.

Dec 2020, 2020 the Year of Vaccine War ended with a nightmare as what I thought to be a champion of freedom turned out to be a traitor Bitcoin SV and Craig Wright were revealed to be in cahoots with the vaccine poisoners, a blow from which are still recovering. The good news was that after seeing the actual light of the Mary the Lawgiver, I had no more interest in the false light of Bitcoin other than to use it bring real light and real gold to others.

June, 2021 After the dark days of the worst parts of the Vaccine War in 2020 were over, & I had recovered from my intense spiritual battle with evil, and having had time to process the apparition of Mary the Lawgiver Battle-Angel who confirmed that although I have so much pagan knowledge that I am in fact a Christian Warrior. I officially turned iMedDo into a Church and published my statement of faith.

Since that time I’ve been blessed with amazing knowledge I’ve shared in newsletters on topics such as detox, nutrition, and freedom.

The three most defining newsletters in my opinion as to the faith of iMedDo Church are:

  1. Statement of Faith June, 2021
  2. Cataphractic Diamond Body Meditation (Apparition of Jesus in Appendix)
  3. Barium Detox with Golden Nepthys Basket (Apparition of Mary Magdalene in Appendix)

And these were all of course highly influenced by Apparition of God as Mary the Law Giver from before. My ordination in iMedDo church was from Mary. I’m also ordained in the Universal life church and also am seeking ordination in my wife’s church Whole Life Center Freedomism religion, but my real ordination is from none of the churches it was directly from God who appeared to me as Mary the Law Giver when I received the blessing of the golden rule and hippocratic oath subset is when I became a real doctor with the power over life and death.


Having received the knowledge of how the body’s power armor system works with the thyroid and how to counteract the fluoride poisoners who wish to enslave humans with Romanesque fluoride poisoning to suppress energy and will power so that they can mind control people into killing themselves with vaxicide at the behest of their robot AI overlord, iMedDo church Christian healthwarriors of the 13th legion are prepared for whatever may come from evil be it more bioweapon attack or robot AI attack in the aftermath. Come what may we will defend freedom and ultimately have victory over any force of evil that practices slavery or the sacrifice of children, that is the reoccuring legacy of the 13th legion. The only time the 13th legion has ever been defeated in battle was when it sided with the slavers and poisoners against the will of God which will not happen under my leadership which is why the 13th legion is invincible. Any of us who die reincarnate stronger. Any of us who fight have significantly greater strength than our opponents both in spiritual power and in body energy as we train in detox and nutrition. iMedDo Church is a defender of American Freedom and is the embodiment of the first and second amendment combined, a free religion that is armed to defend freedom to the death and life beyond. Okay now I feel like you have a sufficient understanding of iMedDo church to which we can now compare it to Whole Life Center Church’s new Freedomism Religion! I’m excited let’s do this! I’m impressed if you have read this far blessings of wisdom be upon you!


To read statement of faith of Freedomism religion go to I didn’t write any of the Freedomism dogma it was all my wife Shari who created it, and I’m extremely impressed, so much so that I have to talk about it. I have the advantage of being able to easily ask Shari for clarity, and here is what I understand about Freedomism:

Freedomism is a unique new religion because it is according to the best of her research and knowledge the very first religion where Freedom itself IS the religion.

There are so many religions out there that it’s hard to believe that Freedomism is the first religion where freedom itself is the religion but that does appear to be the case which is amazing! Shari picked the word Freedomism to describe her religion of freedom which amazingly (appears to be according to a divine plan to me) wasn’t taken. No-one has used the word “Freedomism” because according to the dictionaries it’s not a work, but now it is! Freedomism is the religion of Freedom as first created by Shari Goins for her Whole Life Center Church (website: It’s great because then the people in the religion can be called Freedomites, Freedomismists or Fredo’s for short, and the haters of it can call them the “Free-Dums” so the marketing of Freedomism is spectacular (not surprising since Shari is a marketing person), and the potential growth for Freedomism religion is staggering because there are already so many Libertarian (Freedom political movement people) out there that could easily be persuaded to join Freedomism (Freedom religious movement).

So I have to admit Freedomism religion does have better marketing than iMedDo church =) But that’s okay because I’m not really trying to advertise iMedDo church, I advertise iMedDo detox system because I just want people to heal and detox so they can get their third eye and brain and bodies energized and working so that they can experience God for themselves in whatever way God appears to them.

So basically, you don’t have to join iMedDo church to be ordained by iMedDo as you when you get the gift of iMedDo detox system you are self-ordaining yourself with the gift of gold to whatever religion you come to on your own spiritual journey. I shared my spiritual journey but no doubt everyone will have a unique one as God is infinite.

So iMedDo church believes in freedom of religion.

Freedomism religion has freedom as the religion.

So in comparison the two seem very compatible. I’ve just never thought of freedom itself being the religion (as my mind trained to think in constitution terms “freedom of religion”, so is a novel concept to me “Freedom IS religion” or as Shari puts it on her website “Freedom is Universal”. But this does appear to compute as true for me. If you have freedom of religion as we do in America, then you are free to believe that freedom itself IS your religion. This sounds not only very American, it also reminds me of the Mandalorian (Star Wars reference) where to him Weapons ARE his religion. That would be like all the American who seem to worship the second amendment right to bear arms. But I’ve always noticed since feeling like a druid that the second amendment is already encompassed in the first. If I have freedom of religion then I can reach up into the heavens and pull out the Milky Way magic as the ultimate weapon Excalibur. So the ultimate freedom to me is a weaponized religion which is what religion as Re-Legion and church auxiliaries as Roman soldiers originally were anyway. So now if you think of Freedom IS the religion its more global as you have to first have freedom to have any freedom including freedom of religion or freedom or arms or whatever freedom it is you want.

Freedomism religion is freedom, however you define it for yourself, and the only limitations inherent in the Freedomism religion is that you can’t use your freedom to injure anyone, and you can’t be a Freedomite if you are also a slaver, as freedom religion wanting freedom for yourself should not come at the expense of enslaving others.

Thinking about it, I think Freedom is is aligned with iMedDo church because both are aligned with golden rule. The idea of wanting freedom for yourself is essentially the same as loving yourself, and the idea of not injuring others in your pursuit of freedom as your religion is compatible possibly even a reworded restatement of the golden rule (do unto others as you would unto you). If you want freedom for yourself you would want freedom for others, so you of course would not try to enslave others. You wouldn’t want to be injured so of course you shouldn’t injure others, so Freedomism appears to me aligned with the Golden rule & hippocratic oath subset of the Golden rule not to injure children.

Thinking about Freedom many people can’t handle freedom. An example is the slave who rebels against overlord, and becomes a pirate gaining their freedom but then chooses to use that freedom to become a slaver as has happened many times in history.

If you are in slavery of course you want your freedom. But once you have that freedom it’s up to you how you choose to use it. Now that you have have free will which comes with your freedom you now have the choice to either help others, ignore others or join the slavers trying to enslave others. You could be a Freedomite while a slave seeking freedom, but once you are freed and you choose by free will to become a slaver you are no longer a Freedomist and would be kicked out of Freedomism religion for example.

This reminds me a lot of iMedDo, as I help people detox fluoride slavery but once freed from medical tyranny I can’t stop some people from using that freedom to go off and try to enslave others. Many people are under economic slavery where to them freedom is getting more money. Freedomism reminds me a lot of voluntarianism and libertarianism but is the religion of freedom which would mean you would have inherent freedom of religion to define your own religion which makes complete sense to me. In my opinion if you want maximum freedom in America you need to make your own religion anyway. I think my wife and I both embody that freedom as we both have our own churches. But my brilliant wife made her religion of Freedom as Freedom which makes it so broad that it can encompass even my own religion so I was an easy convert. iMedDo is a separate church but we do fit under the freedomism religion if we choose to identify as such (you are free to or not =). For me I’m all about medical freedom especially freedom from the slavery of poisons and drugs and vaccines and fluoride suppressing your energy and spirit all of which is just a subset of Freedom, so in a broader Freedom is my religion context of Freedomism even iMedDo church can fit.


I believe humans are all part of an infinite divine. If we could omnipotently maximize our freedom then we might choose to be in infinite form like the Milky Way galaxy or even larger where like every galaxy would be a single neuron in our larger God-mind. But if we did that I think we would be bored as we would already be everything, know everything and already know ourselves fully like being able to predict our own galactic rotations and predicts everything that has ever happened or will happened as all would be governed by the completely known physics of ourself. Since I believe humans each have an divine shard within us. and that we can connect to our higher infinite self via third eye mirror of the stars in the sky, the question is why did we choose to come down here in the limited finite form that we find ourselves in as humans? I don’t buy the fallen angel line of thought, I think when we were in omnipotent form that we chose to limit ourself on purpose so the question is why? I think the reason is that it’s boring knowing everything as nothing can surprise you and the concept of good or evil or even free will does not even exist when you in infinite form. If I was an infinite God in infinite omnipotent form, I might feel a bit bored and trapped and to spice things up I might choose to purposefully put myself in limited human form so that even the smallest act of love could have infinite meaning. I might prefer limited form as I could be surprised, and I could learn and grow, and that I could create something new that I didn’t already know about! I think as infinite God that is everything already that I might desire more freedom and the irony is that I might seek to limit myself, split myself, and hide infinite knowledge from myself in order to maximize my own freedom. I might start with just dividing my knowledge into two like positive and negative or male and female just to keep things spicy and not being satisfied with that eventually I might choose to to experience death just so I could experience the freedom of overcoming death. But I might even put a part of myself in a form that didn’t have the full knowledge of what was going to happen kinda like the Christian concept of God sending himself in human form to sacrifice himself to himself to pay himself for what other aspects of the infinite divine creation did wrong. Makes sense to me. In a way what God did was to maximize freedom as allows other aspects of self who might have made different choices (now can be classified as bad choices once they regain full knowledge and look back on their choice as whatever or whoever they harmed they were only harming themselves ultimately). So yeah if God has a religion I think it’s better to think of it as being a freedom religion rather than a child sacrifice religion. Was Jesus free or was he a slave? He had freedom of choice to follow God’s plan or not as do we all though since we don’t have full knowledge of God’s plan in our finite human forms we are easily tricked into following it anyway we wouldn’t know. Is God a trickster like Odin and Orion constellation reference where we have to just do our best to discern good from evil or is God like the Universe and Milky Way where concept of good and evil doesn’t really exist it just IS. I think Freedom really might be the divine religion and what your conception of freedom changes depending on how much of the divine plan (your own infinite plan in omnipotent God form) you allow yourself to behold. If you realize that we are all part of the same infinite divine that the inescapbale conclusion is the golden rule to do unto others as you would done unto you (Because they are you!). So how do we maximize freedom in our limited forms? I personally think it is by creating something new that has never been created before and surprising even your infinite self as the ultimate divine plan has to readjust to the new reality that you have created that did not exist before. The power of God is the ability to create something that surprises even God. Humans have this ability as we are God in limited form but are still part of the infinite divine and can connect with it and even surprise it when we make choices different than it would since we have limited knowledge keeping God (ourself) from getting bored.

To me freedom is living off grid and helping others with my churches and I’m proud to be on Freedomism church board and I asked Shari if I could become ordained in Freedomism religion. The application process was easy all I had to do was write a short essay on what freedom means to me. My essay above was already accepted, and I’m also an official associate pastor/reverend/priest whatever you want to call it (She said I’m free to call it whatever I want lol) of the Freedomism religion. Yay!

I really like freedom of religion, and Freedom IS the Religion of Freedomism is even cooler. This month was great as we saw a sign in the sky which has deeply religious significance to some (it did to me) and meant nothing to others. That’s Freedomism at it’s finest.

Solar Eclipse April 8th, 2024 as seen from Whole Life Center Church (Freedomism relgion) land in mountains near Chattanooga, Tenn.
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