Greetings iMedDo newsletter congregation! It’s been a wierd last few months, after I wrote the article “Game of On”, I got overloaded with death magic and had to take a month of Silence to play the “Game of Off”. I had to absorb a vast amount of knowledge on a religious pilgrimage to “Hell and Back” where I went to France and saw Heavy Metal music at Hellfest. We also toured castles (Chateau’s), saw ancient druid ruins in Brittany, and went on a culinary adventure as I processed what can only be called Vexillology (study of flags). I made an important connection between the American flags and the flags of Armorica (Brittany, France area) which set me on an exciting Pirate Journey of Religious Freedom! There’s a lot I could say but I’m going to let the pictures speak for themselves, so read on and enjoy the photos as the spirits of my Armorican druid ancestors will give you tips on how to bring America back from the ashes: America Resurrection: Bretagne Pirate Druid Style!


Hope everyone had a great 4th of July, American Independence Day! It was strange for me as was the first time I can remember have ever been in a foreign country during the 4th. Wife Shari Grace and I took a trip to France, but was actually pretty cool because the American Revolution in 1776 and the French Revolution in 1790 were very closely linked in time, and American Independence might have been the spark that ignited the French Independence, so by studying French Revolution a bit while in France gave me a new appreciation for American Independence this year. We actually found a monument to America in Tours, France in honor of Thomas Jefferson who was the American ambassador in France (1785-1789) right up until their revolution in 1790! What a crazy time to be an ambassador & can only imagine what TJ said to those French people cause they went crazy after his visit! Check out the closeup of the monument was a native American holding up an eagle on a column of female personified virtues over animal heads spouting water fountain was super cool.

French monument to American ambassador Thomas Jefferson in Tours, France.
Closeup of French monument to America in thanks of our support in multiple wars in Tours, France.


There’s something special and magical about Brittany, France and a secret association with America. The flag of Brittany is very reminiscent of the American flag though in black and white, and another name for the region is Armorica which sounds a lot like America. None of this is a coincidence, but I had to go see it in person to investigate, as there is some secret history here that is relevant to American’s today that will never be taught in school so it’s up to me to point it out! Here’s how we did it check out our itinerary!

We started by flying out of USA from Atlanta, Georgia, and did a layover in Manchester, UK then flew into Paris France and caught trains to get all the way down SW to Nantes with another train to nearby Clisson which is near Nantes and too small to appear on the large map. Then we went NW towards Brittany touring Nantes and Vannes by train, and then we got a rental car and went all the way to the Western tip of Brittany in Brest touring megalithic ruins and villages most notably Lochronan on the way, and then we went to central Brittany to see Pampoint Broceliand forrest Arthurian & Merlin stuff, and then up to the Northside to see Saint Malo Pirate stronghold near Mont St. Michelle which we had already seen on previous trip, and saw the Menhir megalith in cover art also nearby. Then we went and dropped car off in Tours and stayed there a few days to see some chateaus, then we had a bus ride back up to Paris through Orleans where we got out of the country right before the Olympics started, had another layover on way back in Manchester, England then arrived back home via Atlanta airport.

June 24-30 Clisson, France (Near Nantes, France) (Hellfest heavy metal music festival, Clisson castle)

July 1-2 Nantes, France (Chteau des Ducs de Bretagne, La basilique Saint Nicholas, Jardin des Plantes)

July 2 Vannes, France (Impressive Walled Medieval City, Monastery, Cuisine)

July 3-4 Larmor-Baden, France (Gavrinis Megalithic ruins, Carnac Stones: Alignments de Kermario, Megalithic Site of Locmariaquer)

July 4 Locronan, France (Beautiful Medieval Village full of magic), Brest, France (Modern Port City not worth the drive). Quimper, France, a small village with a church.

July 5th Pampoint, France (Arthurian legend area with magical Broceliand forrest. Merlin’s tomb, Chateau de Comper, Valley of No Return: Vivianne’s tomb)

July 6th Saint Malo (Pirate Ship, Pirate Castle, Oceanside View, Spider Crab Cuisine, Nearby Menhir Champs Dolent Megalith)

July 7-9 Tours, France (Chateau de Chenonceau, Chateau de Villandry, Troglodyte Caves)

July 9-10 Paris, France & Manchester, UK on way back to Atlanta, USA


Clisson is a charming French village with amazing river castle ruins, fantastic cuisine and beer and is the home of Hellfest the largest heavy metal music festival I’ve ever seen! Like seemingly every city in France has a rather impressive cathedral & a still standing wooden pavillion which was built with wooden pegs before nails were used in structures! I’ll put a few pics of Hellfest here with more pics and music videos & commentary on Hellfest in appendix for those interested.

Clisson bridge with Clisson castle in background.
Front Entrance of Clisson Castle
Top view of Clisson Castle
Clisson Cathedral


The Gates of Hell
The Gates of Hell at Night!
Silver Skull with Butterflies Symbolizing Resurrection from Death at Hellfest Entrance. Wife Excited =)
Crowd Surfing the Norm at Hellfest =)
Giant Mecha Scorpion Goddess Serket! (See Nantes for Giant Mecha Elephant)
Hellfest from top of Ferris Wheel. This place is packed! Ocean of People (100k+) at Main Stage.

I was so close I could almost touch the guitar player of Spanish band Ankhor!

Up and close with Wargasm UK band guitar player.
10 feet away from Metallica lead singer & guitar player James Hepfield! (This was not easy to accomplish we waited 7 hours to be up front and had to fight to hold our spot but was worth it for wife’s birthday!)


Nantes is a larger city nearby Clisson which is famous for having a giant mecha elephant. It also had an even bigger castle that wasn’t in ruins as had prevailed in battle which had an awesome museum inside, had a big cathedral and had the most amazing gardens because it was where the french sailors brought plants from all over the French empire and the world. A town with a lot of history from celts to romans to merovingians to royalty to revolution. We had some great cuisine here.

Mecha Elephant!
It moved and spat water out of its trunk! Was boarded by winos sampling cheese.
Nantes town square with fountain.

Nantes cathedral had nice glass!
Nantes shopping palace.
Castle of the Dukes of Brittany was no joke! Not in ruins and had awesome museum inside. Hosted serious sieges but never breached until French revolution was stormed as was the Bastille.
Walls, Moat, Drawbridges. Canon swivels. Center of Royal Power for Dukes of Brittany
Castle Entrance
Sacred Heart of Queen Anne inside the castle!
Nantes famous during Reformation for Edict of Nantes birthplace of early Freedom of Religion!
Nantes had some dark history as slavery center and then during the French Revolution
Nantes Plant Garden was Super Impressive as had plants brought by sailors from all over the world!
Cool Flowers in Plant Garden
Flowers match Shari’s rain jacket =)
First taste of Bretagne food. Crepes with cheese and sausage inside!
Greek Food in France was Awesome!
Best baklava ever had!


Vannes (pronounced “Van”) is a medieval walled city which is amazing because it wasn’t destroyed in WWII so the ruins are very well preserved and it looks like a real life Renaissance festival on the water. We got to stay in an old medieval monestary turned into a hotel which was right by the city center were we also had some great seafood cuisine. Vannes is the biggest city in Moriban the area closest to all the megalithic druid ruins I want to see and was our base of operation to get a rental car and explore the area. Vannes is on the southern coast of Brittany where sailboating is very popular.

Medieval City Walls
With Gardens!
Our Hotel was an old monestary!
Big Pipe Organ!
Which led down to the harbor!
City Entrance at Harbor.
City full of 15th century Medieval Buildings!
Castle Gatehouse ruins.
On the water!
House of Poisson (Fish)
Lots of Seafood!
Cheese! Red & Green Cheese? Yum!
Curry Moules (Clams)! Yummy!

Best dessert we had in France. Was some sort of chocolate masterpiece made by award winning French ice-cream maker & had a chocolate sailboat sail on top!


After exploring Vannes, the next step of our pilgrimage was to head SW to Larmor-Badon to catch a ferry to see the megaliths on Gavrinis island, the Carnac stones and ruins in Locmariaquer. There’s no real public transportation in these coastal parts of Brittany as all the people here are rich enough to have sailboats so want to keep out the riff-raff like us, so we had to grab a rental car, and I got a little gray Peugeot with navigation to get the job done.

Gulf of Morbihan is like an inland sea connecting to the Atlantic and is full of megaliths.
Our Chariot the Gray Puegeot!
Larmor-Baden looked like a little coastal town governed by the tides.
Ferry to Gavrinis Island
Gavrinis Island
Spearhead circa 4-5k BC
Axe-head circa 4-5k BC
The mound.
Has ocean view at confluence of what was once 3 rivers.
Tour guide was great!
Entrance to the Cairn!
Inside the Cairn!
Lots of Swirly Designs!
Unknown depictions possibly water.
Exit Cairn to Resurrect like the Sun!


After taking the ferry back to Labor-Baden we continued on SW to find the Carnac stones. Legend has it that Merlin turned an entire Roman legion into stone at Carnac. We did find the stones looked like a huge megalithic cemetery where they used big stones as gravestones is my take. When we found the rocks we were confused as they were labelled the alignment of Kermario but we eventually figured out that it was same as Carnac stones. We also saw the tumulus of St. Michelle on the way which is a huge mound with a fake church built on top.

Part of the Carnac alignment
I connected with the rock on the fence an outcast grave
miles of rocks
Tumulus of St. Michelle
Fake church built on top of tumulus likely to conceal a top entrance
Side entrance to cairn sealed off
Grave items found inside the tumulus indicated trade with Spain and Alps area.
Locmariaquer tumulus just a pile of rubble was used as a quarry
Rebuilt Locmariaquer mound looked very similar to Gavrinis
Had one stone with inscriptions still attached, much less impressive than Gavrinis where whole tomb inscribed.
Largest Standing Stone knocked over and broken into four pieces. Erected 5k BC fell supposedly 4200 BC possibly from earthquake. Pieces of other standing stones used as ceiling for other cairns in area.
Broken stone was devoid of magic

But later in trip after visting St. Malo, got to see the largest still standing stone Champs Dolent am putting photo here with other megalith pictures.

Champs Dolent in Northern Brittany not in Moribhan but still standing unlike larger Locmariaquer one.


After seeing enough rocks in Morbihan, we headed West to Finistere regions to see Quimper, Lochronan and Brest on a daytrip and then drove all the way back to Vannes that night.


The town of Quimper was most notable for its impressive cathedral, it’s river view and its cool tower.

Cool Tower in Quimper


Somewhere between Quimper and Brest there were rumors of a secret hidden village which is supposed to be one of the most beautiful in France known as Lochronan. The village did not disappoint it was fully stone medieval style, had charming view and lots of great shops and had the 6th century Druid Saint Ronan’s tomb in the local chapel which was notable as only one I’ve ever seen with a slanted floor. It also had a magic shop where we got some really great Celtic music as a souvenir.

Great Shops!

Local Beer!
Small but impressive chapel with slanted floor!
Tomb of the Warrior Druid Saint Ronan!
Stone cemetary behind chapel reminiscent of older stone megalith tombstones.


After Lochronan we continued driving West to the farthest extremity of Brittany we could get to on this trip the city of Brest. Urban port city with seawall and fort.

Sea View


Halfway between Vannes and Rennes off most every map lies the town of Pampoint, France (not to be confused with Pampoi on the North coast). There’s not much in the town of Pampoin,t but there is magic in the woods of the Broceliand forrest all around it in every direction for about a 20km (10mi) radius. It wasn’t easy to get to as required a rental car, and once in Pampoint you realize everything you want to see is not there but nearby. Also most of what you see is not worth it is designed to steer you away from the real magic nearby. The real magic is in the Vale of No Return, and the very hard to find Vivianne’s tomb. We found it ,but it was not easy, and for secrecy sake am not going to share those pictures. There was no magic left at either Merlin’s tomb or the Fountain of Eternal Youth. I deposited some magic by blessing both sites with some holy water containing iMedDo NeuSilver & NeuGold. We also entered the magical valley of no return and managed to return to tell the tale.

No transportation in Central Brittany
Pampoint lake.
Sign for Tomb of Merlin in Pampoint only 13km off in woods that direction lol.
They had a druid tent festival in Pampoint when we visited.
Tomb of Merlin was rather unimpressive as was dynamited by treasure hunters or religious zealots.
Pic in front of tomb of Merlin
Fountain of Eternal Youth was fake.
Fountain of Eternal Youth needs purification, I put some NeuSilver & NeuGold in it.
Impressive moated castle nearby: Chateau de Trecesson


Our next stop was to go up north to Saint Malo the pirate town. This place was awesome, had a pirate ship, a walled city and spectacular sea views, shops and cuisine.

Ship & Castle!
Swivel Canon!
The rigging!
Shoot that Ferris Wheel!
Steer this puppy!
Get out the big guns!
Pirate Superstitions!
Iniside the hull
Walled Fortress Town
The Main Gate
Semper Fidelis! Guess the Marines took that from the Brittany Pirates!
Cool Tower!
Cool Door!
Cool Sea-views!
Aerial Bridges!
Wedding Going On in Cathedral!
Armoricane? Americane =)
Products of Terror? Not sure I want that lol
Big Beer!
Spider Crab Cuisine!
Big Crab on Ice!
Poisson (Fish) Soup!
St Malo is Awesome!


After Saint Malo we went back down South to take a Tour in Tours, France the very origin of the word! Tours itself was kind urban but had a river, some cool architecture, a giant tree, an art museum, another cathedral and some really nice chateau’s available to visit for day trip nearby. From Tours we took a train to see Chateau Chenonceu and a bus to see Chateau Villandry.

Interesting Architecture
Giant Cedar of Lebanon Tree
Art Museum
Tours Cathedral
Nice Stain Glass!
Tours Gare (Train Station)


Castle with river arches & impressive history was my favorite chateau of the trip.

Front view
Back View
Tree Entrance
Sphinx Entrance
Kayakers in moat!
Inside Chapel that narrowly escaped the French Revolution
Cool Furniture
Arch Hall that Spans the River
So cool!


From Tours we also took a bus ride to Chateau Villandry which was notable for its impressive gardens.

Front Entrance
Has a Moat!
Greeted by a Swan in the Moat!
Inside the Chateau
Town Nearby
French Hot Dog & Beer!
Saint John with Red Cloak & Grail & Dragon Art in Chateau
Chateau built into a Castle Tower
Garden View for the Tower
Atrium View from the Tower
View of Garden and Tower from the Ridge
Villandry is Beautiful


After Tours we caught a bus back to Paris but were too exhausted to do much other than to get some grub then crash at our hotel near the airport. We flew back to Atlanta, Georgia with layover in Manchester, England.

Airports have free perfume samples of everything!
Air France.
Leaving Paris for home!


The food in France is Amazing and makes American food look like the preservative & poison filled garbage that it is. Every restaurant in France has a real chef, and they have much better food quality where you can get real butter and cheese and bread and fluoride free water and overall the French are much more healthy than Americans because of their food except that many of them seem to have a smoking habit. The music is much better in France where the French people seem to appreciate music more and the good bands prefer to go to France than tour in the USA. One of the main reasons were went over there to go to the Hellfest music festival in Clisson, France for my wife’s birthday so that she could rock out to Metallica an American band who prefers to go there while I got to listen to some Euro bands that never come to America. France has a much more continuous history which goes back to Celtic times, Roman Times, Medieval Times with a clear connection where every old town typically has an old castle (chateau) and a super cool old cathedral. We went to a special part of France (Brittany) where there are an amazing amount of ancient megalithic druid ruins which go back as far as 5k BC and where the Arthurian legends about Merlin originate, and we saw quite a few castles and a few castle museums on the way and learned some about religious freedom during the protestant reformation, royal times and french revolution on our good journey. My wife was mainly interested in the music, and I was mainly interested in the druid megalith sites and castles, and my stated goal was to have a culinary adventure as well on our religious freedom pilgrimage. Americans, particularly Southerners from Dixie land have a lot more in common with the French than we might have realized. The middle part of America was part of the French Empire until New Orleans and the Louisiana purchase was bought by America from Napoleon. We drove by the city of Orleans on way back to Paris airport from whence New Orleans city in Louisiana, USA was named but not able to stop there but was still cool to see from a distance. The biggest common legacy of France and America was slavery which we got in America from the French empire so seeing the history of how France abolished slavery first and then America later is an interesting topic to study. The city of Nantes, France was very much like the American South in that they supported Freedom in the French Revolution but didn’t want to give up their slave trade much like the Southern States supported Freedom in American revolution but didn’t want to give up their slaves, so was really interesting comparative history for French and American revolution and how that played out. In France was even more brutal and more a revolution against royal power where they not only stormed the Bastille, they also stormed the castle in Nantes! Also the history of Nantes during the Protestant Reformation and reading French ideas about Freedom of Religion were very enlightening. The biggest difference is that to the French true Freedom of Religion was “Separation of Church and State” whereas in America we have Freedom of Religion where the State still operates like a state religion so was very enlightening to compare especially since I’m currently fighting for Freedom of Religion for my sister church, my wife’s church: Whole Life Center currently in the superior court of Georgia.


America was almost dead to me as we’ve poisoned our food and water so badly that I needed to go to France to remember what real food tastes like. By going to Brittany, I was able to reconnect with history, study freedom of religion in Nantes, connect with my druid ancestors with megaliths, and better understand the history of royalty and revolution which has very close parallels in France and in America in hopes of learning something that can help us. Coming back to America, I feel fully recharged and ready to spark the fire of freedom for Americans to take back our health by learning from the French that we must protect our food and water. Before leaving on the trip I notice that the flag of Brittany and the flag of the USA look very similar and noticed the connection of Armorica and America.

In Nantes I learned how problems with slavery in the US was directly transmitted from slavery from the French Empire with the Louisianna purchase, and learning more about the French Revolution gave me more insight into the American Revolution, and thus I had a wonderful American Independence Day even though not stateside. Detox with iMedDo and stay healthy. Come support our sister church and take a pilgrimage to our holy land right here in the USA and see our local megaliths near Chattanooga, Tennesee area. Next Pilgrimage is July 21st, and we meet every 3rd Sunday of the month. Location is near Trenton, Georgia see website for address. Hope to see you soon! If your faith or freedom is waning, come get supercharged with as we show you how to use the stones for religious use the druid resurrection way.

Namaste! DrBenGo Healthwarrior

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