Defeating Dementia


by DrBenGo the Healthwarrior

Dementia is the loss of mental function which results in loss of ability to function in society & loss of ability to function alone without assistance. I will explore how dementia relates to ancient Egyptian, Greece-Buddhist & Roman ideas of internal brain anatomy. I will then fast forward to the German field of Psychiatry, and discuss Alzheimer’s dementia in particular. Enjoy.


For most of history, dementia was considered to be a disease of the elderly what would now be called “senile dementia” with the observation of mental decline with old age. However, the word dementia has undergone significant manipulation throughout history and especially in modern times. In this episode I will “unbugger” the field from ancient to modern and get the reader up to speed on what to do when facing this horrible disease. To defeat dementia you must know thine enemy, and to heal you must know thyself.


The word Dementia is a compound word from Latin which means “Out of the Mind” [De i.e. Down from or concerning and Mentia i.e. Mind]. The Romans also had the compound word demens (dementis) which meant mad, crazy, out of the mind.


The Roman word demens is related to the Greco-Roman word daimon meaning “Spirit”.


The idea of the demens “out of the mind” from demon etymology also comes from a root “da” meaning “split or separate”. (see

The Greek language (also Hebrew & Runic) is from the Ancient Phoenician language. In Phoenician, the phonetic sound of words were used to create words with multiple meaning, and plays on words with similar sounds are not only common but expected. All letter and words have both literal and spiritual double entendre meanings.

Because of this, the word dementia or demens or demons does not just mean “Out of the Mind” it also can mean “Split Mind”.

It is my belief that this corresponds to the anatomy of the brain which the two different hemispheres connected by the corpus callous anatomy.

The Ancient Greeks may have believed that each hemisphere of the brain housed different guiding spirits, maybe one good and one bad, like the image of an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other both trying to tell you what to do while you try to figure out who to listen to while actually just listening to yourself!

The ideas is that you can either listen to your self for improvement or you can lead yourself to ruin through your actions and thoughts and I think that this idea was given to the Greeks through their interaction with Buddhist teachings and Dharma (see Greco-Buddhist).


According to the Buddhists of Tibet, the external spirit forces causing madness and demented hallucinations, the demons, are just projections of your own mind.

The Tibetan book of the dead describes scary demons of
different colors and has instruction for reminding a dying
person to move beyond fear and to recognize the scary visions as self-projections to find peace and thus obtain the ability to reincarnate to higher states of existence. Failure to
recognize yourself and to fear yourself could result in reincarnation to lower planes of existence. It’s not clear to me or maybe it changes whether the goal of reincarnation is to reincarnate to a better plane of existence or possibly to reincarnate outside of the cycle of existence yet it seems to also encompass the idea of being able to reincarnate back into the cycle of existence to help others. I love the Buddhist idea of the “Bodhisattva”, a person who has achieved enlightenment in a past life and has come back to help others.


Although much of the ancient greek mystery school religions has been lost, I have pieced enough of it together to figure out the important gist of it which is derived, for simplification, from ancient Egypt and ancient Tibet.

The uniting religion of the ancients was essentially what I call Greco-Buddhism, and it is syncretic with the teachings of Luxor, Egypt at Karnak Temple and also espoused by the Persians and the Greeks from Darius the Great to Alexander the Great and beyond even unto the founding of the United States of America.

The idea is to relate the movements of the stars and heavens to the internal anatomy of the human body where each house of heaven corresponds to a house in the body as well as to both a number, a color and a sound.


If you’re a little fuzzy on brain anatomy (neuroanatomy) please watch this quick video called “Brainstem” from the Pinkie & the Brain cartoon which is as a neuroanatomy crash course song and very informative!

In particular pay attention in song where in the brain the hippocampus is, the temporal lobes, frontal lobe, the brainstem and the pia mater, meningeal vein & pineal as all is assumed background that you know already for this article.


The Egyptians were so secret with their sacred medical neuroanatomy knowledge. They would just toss out the brain after pulling out the nose when performing mummifications! However, there is much more than meats the eye or the “Eye of Ra” in particular when talking about Egyptian Neuroanatomy. The Eye of Ra appears to be the a secret symbol for the brainstem and also includes the pineal. The sphinx is also a secret symbol for the pineal, knowledge and the brainstem from what I can tell. When depicted with wings can refer to the temporal lobes which are like “wings of protection” on either side of the brainstem protecting it.

(In a previous newsletter “Thyroid Quickening”, I discussed how the winged dog Anubis was referring to the Thyroid anatomy which looks like a butterfly wings, go back and read for more Egyptian info you might find interesting).

Egypt is famous for many now forgotten to history female physicians and the “Mother of Medicine” i.e. the Supreme Goddess Concept


A modern “physician” would only be considered “half trained” in ancient Egypt as you had to be fully trained in both mathematics & physics (to predict the movement of the stars & to describe color and sound) as well as internal anatomy and how to treat disease (physician). In modern times the closest thing you can do to this in the mainstream education system is something very interdisciplinary like what I did when I became a Biophysicist in my formal training where I learned both mathematics, physics as well as biochemistry and anatomy etc and the bridging chemistry. Even then my real training did not start until I had advanced much further in my spiritual journey.

Now I personally connect a lot with “Circuit” i.e. “Serket” Medicine where the physician draws upon the “House of life” from within and is very good at detoxing poison.

I personally view many forms of dementia as “induced by poison” dementias whose solution is to detox. As you know I have the premium detox system but I have found many other great things to try as well which I will share in the article.


Sehkmet is the lion goddess of healing (pineal-brainstem) and is sent to punish mankind (with dementia) for violating Ma’at (divine law) [possibly for polluting your sacred waters of the brain with a poison]. She goes on a bloodthirsty rampage (brain swelling) and is not sated until she gets drunk off of red beer (beer mixed with pomegranate juice) and calming down (reduced brain swelling).

(For info on Sehkmet and a version of the story See )

I seen this story many times making her sound like a crazy evil vampire but upon reading it again I see it was actually just a memory mnemonic for a physician!

Could this mythological story of Eye of Ra’s blood spree and beer cool down really be a coded story from ancient Egyptian anti-dementia advice? If correct then pomegranate juice should help slow mental decline and maybe even there might be some modern science saying pomegranate could help with Alzheimer’s dementia.

A quick google search reveals that yes indeed it does.


Looks like a polyphenol (an alcohol soluble compound hence the beer mixed with the pomegranate juice) is anti-inflammatory in the glial cell and slows the onset of dementia. Nice! So, as a first pass yes, I think beer and pomegranate juice could be beneficial for dementia as it has an anti-inflammatory compound that the alcohol will help deliver. Has anyone tried self-medicating with this? If this alone helps anyone then I have done my job, but I have much more info to share but moving on to Greek now.


The ancient Greeks also had a lot of neuroanatomy knowledge no doubt especially after Alexander the Great conquered Egypt circa 323 B.C. The best known Greek physician who influenced western culture through the Romans was Hippocrates the “Father of Medicine”. Notice the word “Hippo” in his name i.e. Horse. and I have to wonder if it was Hippocrates who named the Hippocampus anatomy? Regardless, Hippocrates had a huge impact on modern western medicine through the Roman Doctor Galen passes on to us because of the “Hippocratic Oath” to do no harm. Any person claiming to be a “physician” who violates the Hippocratic oath is a fake doctor in both the classical Greek & modern sense. Asculapius is the Greek god of healing. He was said to be a son of Apollo (male personification of the sun), and shared with him the epithet Paean “the Healer”. The rod of Asculapius with a single snake is the official symbol of medicine even today although the double snaked rod of Hermes is also a popular symbol.

Because of the Greco-Buddhist belief in reincarnation, there is a very fine line between a person and a god, and many mortals were considered demigods (part gods or god-men). Each person or hero is thought to have their own guiding daimon (benevolent divine spirit). Later in history because of the use of the word daimon in the Greek translated Septuagint (Old Testament) daimon came to have a negative connotation in 2nd century Roman times as it does in Abrahamic religions today. Just as there were personifications of good spirits of healing, there were also personifications of bad sprits of illness. Some good spirits of healing are personified as daughters of Asclepius: Hygiene (personification of cleanliness & sanitation), Laso (Goddess of recuperation from illness), Aces (goddess of healing process), Aegle (Goddess of the glow of good health), Panacea (Goddess of Universal Remedy).
An important “bad spirit” was “Maniae” who in her angry state (mad rage especially rabies) was known as the gorgon Lyssa, the roman names of Maniae are Ira, Furor or Rabies. So, did the Greeks also have a word to describe the personification of dementia: getting old and becoming forgetful? Yes they did!


Wow, I just found a souce that claims there was was a Greek Goddess by the name Dementia. How about that, sounds relevant to today’s topic. DEMENTIA is described as the “terrible goddess of confusion, who can turn loved ones into strangers – the proud into the pitiful – the simplest tasks into ordeal that require impossible feats of heroism. Since childhood she has hated her elder sister Mnemosyne, goddess of memories.” (Reference

Unfortunately, I can’t find any other sources collaborating that there was a Greek god called Dementia, however I can find a bit of info on her sister Mnemosyne.

From Mnemosyne is derived the English word mnemonic from Greek “mneme” which means “remembrance or memory”.

She was a Titaness, a female Titan. Note that in Greek mythology, there was supposedly a battle between the Greek gods and the Titans (older gods) where the Greek gods like Zeus won. The only one I have been able to definitively identify is that the Egyptian Goddess Hequet was the same as the supposedly good Titaness Hecate who sided with Olympus. Because of this. whenever I read “so and so god was a Titan” in the Greek religion, then I assume that it means the god or goddess was borrowed from older likely Egyptian sources.

Mnemosyne the Titaness was pretty important as she was the mother of the 9 Muses: Calliope (epic poetry), Clio (history), Euterpe (music), Erato (lyric poetry), Melpomene (tragedy), Polyhymnia (hymns), Terpsichore (dance), Thalia (comedy), and Urania (astronomy). Supposedly horn dog Zeus slept with her 9 nights making the 9 children. Although this sound scandalous, we can assume that since Zeus is actually just referring to the anatomy of the human brain and is generating thoughts. See Greek story of Zeus’s head split open forming his first thought ATHENA.

Not sure if the Greeks got the mental imagery that the brain working to come up with creative thoughts was like Zeus (in mortal shepherd form) sleeping around making Muses from their own culture or somehow imported from Egypt =) The Pharaoh looked kinda like a shepherd with his crook and flail, and somehow we ended up with a divine shepherd who doesn’t sleep around in Christianity.

Anyway, in the Cult of Mnemosyne I’m hoping to find a hidden clue on how to defeat her “evil sister” dementia.

Mnemosyne presided over a pool in Hades, counterpart to the river Lethe, according to a 4th century BC Greek funerary inscription (source Wikipedia Mnemosyne).

Lethe is a “river of forgetfulness” which could be code for the Greeks knew about a herb or drug you could drink to forget. Sure would be nice if they knew about one you could drink to remember?


Mnemosyne is depicted with a “Lamp of Memory” so the Oil of Memory could be a thing. Olive Oil, Myrrh Oil, Cinnamon Oil, Frankincense Oil, Cannabis Oil? All come to mind.
A number of people are saying that Cannabis Oil (CBD oil) can help with dementia, and I would definitely try that. It is possible it could be referring to the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain as the “oil” as well. Myrrh oil was “sacred to the Egyptian Goddess Hathor” thousands of years before it became the secret sauce for the Christian Chrismation sacrament. Representing liquid fire (resin looks like a red crystal i.e. crystalized fire), it would definitely be something I would try. Talk to your favorite essential oil representative, and I’m sure they’ll get you a good blend =) I’ve got several great ones who are also iMedDo distributors check them out. Gina Dove in Florida can definitely help you out. Interesting side note, the Egyptian Goddess of knowledge Seshat is depicted with a leaf-like thing over her head many speculate is a cannabis leaf. C’mon essential oils people, who can get me the best deal on CBD as soon as you start carrying it, please contact me!

I’m pro-CBD oil but it seems for sale on every street corner these days, and I don’t know which is the best. I tried some for a month but didn’t feel much of an effect because I’m already very detoxed but many people swear by it especially when mixed with my silver and gold and interesting when trying S. American ayahuasca (I’ve never tried but would like to). It was like $100 for 1 month supply and I’m used to my products lasting 6 months so the CBD seemed a bit expensive maybe but certain would try it along with my stuff if you worried about dementia.

Anyway, most any oil will aid in detox and certain oils are very synergistic with with iMedDo Products especially frankincense & myrrh as well as CBD goes well with the silver and the gold in particular. Standard disclaimers including FDA disclaimer.


Demeter is the Greek goddess of grain and corn. I’m only mentioning her because her name kinda sounds like Dementia and sound are important because of the Phoenician connection. Whether or not there really is an ancient connection between Demeter & Dementia, in modern times, you should know to be away of certain inflammatory food like GMO corn or wheat. Beware halogens in bread such as in chlorinated (bleached) flour, brominated flour, as well as beware the preservatives. I like to think Demeter would warn us not to pollute the bread or her mean form Dementia will come out. Anyway, Bread with old & good recipes should contain iodide the salt form of iodine not chlorine or bromine. Ancient salty bread such as in Armenian stories at least 2 thousand years old talk about the salty bread stimulating dreaming as it should. A good bread will detox you (real fiber, all natural, high in nutrients) whereas 80%+ of the garbage you buy in the US stores today will just make you sick. Gluten free is a big deal because the cysteine molecules of the proteins stick together (exacerbated by sulfides) and silver will help detox. Also seleno-cysteine is required by the body (get enough selenium nutrient) and of course beware the glyphosate which they may spray on many of the crops without your knowledge. Grains are scary these days and if you feel you need to go grain-free rather than risk it I understand. Make sure the grains in a person with Dementia’s diets are clean, or cut them out as they can increase brain inflammation and make the problem worse.


The Hippocampus is the most relevant part of the brain when it comes to Dementia. The hippocampus (see newsletter image of brain slice labelled “camp”) is shrunken in Dementia and in Alzheimer’s Dementia in particular. Because the hippocampus is involved with turning short term memories into long term memories damage to the hippocampus brain anatomy can explain the memory loss of symptom of many dementias.

The word hippocampus means “Horse Sea Monster” from Greek Hippo (horse) and “kampos” (sea monster). Poseidon is the Greek god of the sea, and the creator of horses in mythology. I wonder if Hippocrates who has horse in his name and one of the father’s of greek medicine named the hippocampus? I suspect the hippocampus in Egyptian secret brain anatomy was the hippopotamus the “river horse”. Either way if the Hippocampus of the brain is a horse where your mental “horse power comes from” they really are “in water” or in the cerebrospinal fluid in particular. In dementia the water pressure or amount of water gets too high and the horses drown. =( See brain slice pic at start of the newsletter, and see how although the hippocampus is shrunk, the cortex is shrunk, and that the fluid is too much in both the hippocampus & the ventricle.

I really think that in many dementias, the cognitive decline is from the seahorse’s bath water getting polluted, and needing to be changed. The brain is trying to cleanse by increased fluid, but something is going wrong, preventing the toxins from leaving. One toxin naturally found in the brain is amyloid protein. If it gets too high, it can aggregate and cause a chain death reaction. Hippocampal, sea horse monster waste has gotta be filtered out! How the brain filters the cerebrospinal fluid is beyond the scope of this article, but it must occur for a health brain and probably involves “tidal like” vascular constriction passive ebb and flow and not active muscle contraction like the rest of the body’s lymphatic system.


Also the brain hippocampus looks like a pair of Ram’s horns (Sacred to Egyptian God Amun). The name Cornu Ammonis (Horn of Ammon/Amun) is likely a very ancient name for part of the Hippocampi brain anatomy. Alexander the Great the Greco-Egyptian founder of the Ptolemy dynasty in Egypt circa 332 BC was known to make offerings to Ammon and also to have found an empire which had the syncretic Greco-Buddhism.


The ancient Minoans of Crete had a secret depiction of man called the Minotaur (man-bull). The horns on the head are referring to the hippocampus anatomy and the man-bull is a depiction of a strong (bull eL in Phoenician type languages meant strong) and horned (uses his brain smart) creature. The double bladed axe (labrys) was a sign of the Minoan goddess and I think represents the 2 hemispheres of the brain.


I think that the Greek Satyr and the Greek God Pan which were depicted with horns was a zoo-morphic satire of a man. Horns originally meant “holy” and some statues of Moses in the Vatican are shown with horns. This make sense now that we know the forgotten secret that horns on a man represent the power of God referring to our internal brain anatomy ability to think.


Centaurs are “hippo”-mens (horse men) with big horns like 100 bulls (cent-taur i.e. 100 bulls) is like saying a person who really uses their brain, their “Cornu Ammonis or hippocampus. Centaurs are symbols of wisdom, and their multi-pronged horns like with a satyr are indicative of their hippocampus.

As a double entendre the Latin word mens/mentis means “mind” so hose-men could also mean “horse heads” or “horse minds”. Horses are a popular ancient helmet motifs and a Horse Head could be a person who uses their brain just like the more ancient Bull Head Minotaur could also have originally meant the same.

Want to see a real life Centaur? Check out my friend Daniel Krawisz the Emperor of BitCoin sometime and his show “Bitcoin Stuff”. He’s the guy who came on in the second hour of the BitCoin SV show where I got into a fight with a fluoride pushing angry dentist).


Have you heard of the winged horse Pegasus and his brother? The two flying horses are actually the same as the hippocampus the water horses of Poseidon.


The Sphinx comes from Egypt and is a secret representation of the brainstem and the pineal gland. Also, so is the Eye of Ra symbol.


Has anyone ever been to the Parthenon in Athens patron city of Athena in Greece? Have you heard about the the fight over naming the city between Athena & Poseidon?

I haven’t (my wife has), but I went to the next best thing: Nashville, Tennessee! Nashville has a full scale fully restored Parthenon recreation complete with the giant statue of Athena!

Athena is depicted as true to ancient statue specifications wearing a helm, with a shield, a statue of Nike in her right hand and a serpent at her feat.

Pic Link (

The “HELM OF ATHENA” is quite impressive as it has a Sphinx in the middle and a winged Pegasus on either side also with wings on either side.

What does the Helm of Athena represent? It’s a secret representation of the internal brain anatomy!

The wings on either side are the TEMPORAL lobes of the brain i.e our “Brain Wings!” and the flying horses the Pegasi are the the left and right HIPPOCAMPUS you know the “Horses that camp in your brain” who “fly i.e. help you remember stuff and thoughts fly out of your head!”

The Sphinx in the middle gives away the obvious Egyptian origin of the image and most likely represents the Brainstem including the pineal gland the “Eye of Ra” harkening to the Egyptian mythology story of the Eye of Ra leaving as a lion and devouring until it drank itself full of beer & pomegranate juice!

Athenism (Athena Greco-Buddhism imagery) is syncretic with Atenism (see Amarna period Egypt) and Atheism (without the A i.e. Theism that man or woman is God).


Much is still mystery, but I know that Athena (Egyptian goddess Neith) is the depiction of an enlightened human female just as Zeus is the Greco-Buddhist depiction of an enlightened human male. Note that both giant statues of Athena and Zeus were depicted by the famous sculptor Phidias with Nike, the Goddess of Victory, in their right hand where she is personification of the internal “divine spark” in every human. Zeus is usually depicted with the lightning bolt which harkens back to the Hindu/Buddhist Vajra but Athena is depicted with a the Aegis with the head of Medusa the Gorgon on it. Interestingly Zeus is also described as the Aegis bearer which makes sense as Athena is considered to Mind and Thought of Zeus and to have sprung forth from his head fully clothed in armor. The armor could be the skull bone anatomy though the external parts of the helm armor seem to correspond with internal brain anatomy. Both Zeus and Athena are depicted with a serpent at their feet likely the Serpent of Wisdom. Athena is connected to the entire zodiac on the back of her shield which is a mandala spirit mirror for her to see herself in the stars whereas the front of the shield the head of medusa turns those to stone who look at it. There is a lot of connection of Medusa the gorgon to Hinduism, not the other multi-snake Hindu gods and originally the snakes meant protection and wisdom. I believe the “turning to stone” is actually related to the neuroanatomy of the pineal gland which can actually “turn to stone” if you neglect the spiritual (don’t use it).


Fluoride is very bad for your inner sphinx (pineal gland) as it can form insoluble calcium fluoride which is worsened by exposure to injected aluminum. Iodine is required to detox fluoride and un-turn to stone your pineal gland.


You don’t want toxins like calcium fluoride or aluminum fluoride or lead or mercury or any hippocampal killing drugs in your sea horse’s bath water. If it gets there your brain will swell up and possibly drown them trying to detox.


Pegasus has a rich history in Greek mythology but the Pegasus to hippocampal anatomy connection gives it new meaning. It is important to note that the flying horse pegasus has a brother Chrysaor “he who has a golden sword”. I think that the hippocampus likes colloidal gold and the gold connection was known in ancient Greece from ancient Egypt. Gold is a confusing word as can mean silver or gold and silver seems to benefit the lymphatic part of the brain and the gold I think is benefiting the cerebrospinal fluid.


The Greek stories are very clear that the two Pegasi (hippocampi) are not born until Medusa is slain from her blood. If you look at a brain it really does look like a bunch of bodies of writhing headless snakes for the cortex and their sulci (plural of sulcus a brain anatomy term). Possibly the blood-Medusa connection is talking about the Middle Cerebral artery (MCA) which is important for supplying the left and right lobes which contain the left and right hippocampi with blood.


Note the similarity of Zeus/Vous/You/Ja/Yah i.e Zeus is You very Greco-Buddhist style. Athena was said to have sprung from the mind of Zeus in full battle armor as his first thought when his head was chopped off by a double bladed battle axe! Whoah!

This could mean that Athena is fully a idea of human cognition or that all of her
“battle armor” are symbols of human neuroanatomy. I interpret the split mind open
mind of Zeus to refer to the left and right brain hemispheres where the battle axe split is referring to the central brain fissure anatomy.


The base of the spinal column neurons is called the “Cauda Equina” which is Latin for Horse’s tail. (Note the Latin the word for horse is “Equus/Equi” rather than the Greek word “Hippo”). If the tail of the horse is at the bottom of the spinal cord the head of the horse would be higher up at the top of the brain supporting my hypothesis that temporal lobes the wings of the brain which contain the hippocampi are the “head of the horse” or since left and right the “head of the horses”.


Note the similarity of Athena and the Egyptian Goddess Neith who are of same etymology where both are considered Goddesses of weaving (& spiders) and of war. The war connection in my personal opinion is in relation to the amygdala brain anatomy that sits in front of the hippocampus and is related to anger and thus war. An interesting part of the brain anatomy that could be related to Athenian Greco-Buddhism are the Arachnoid of the Meninges. The Meninges are the part of the brain under the skull but above the brain that consist of Dura Mater (Durable Mother), Arachnoid (Sounds like Spider) and Pia Mater (Pi Mother, the word Pi is important in Mathematics and in words like Philippi an ancient Roman city dedicated to Pan and now abandoned in the Golan Heights area of the Levant). The Pia mater of the brain does kinda look like a spider web so the Arachnoid could be considered the spider part of the brain sitting on top. If that is the case then Athena might have been viewed by the ancient Greeks in neuroanatomy terms as a spider sitting on top of the brain but this is pure speculation on my part. However, it makes perfect sense to me and the etymology of arachnoid (see means “cobweb like” and is from the ancient Greek “arakhnoeides”. There is an interesting story about a mortal named Arachne who challenged Athena to a weaving contest whom Athena turned into spider. This could be some spiritual story concerning the Arachnoid cobweb like meningeal part of the brain as well as contain the secret message the the mortal is Athena because Athena refers to human neuroanatomy. It could also be a reference to Athena being part of the creative part of of the brain which could be another reference the fighting demons of the left & right brain hemispheres.


You might think that the Pegasus is unique to Greek culture but actually it occurs in Bonn/Buddhism so maybe a very ancient symbol from the direction of India. Poseidon the god of the sea was also known to have been the patron of the lost city of Atlantis.


Each city blessed by Poseidon was known to have a spring bursting forth in the middle of the city. Could the ancients have considered our brain to be a city and the ventricle going through the brain to be the spring of Poseidon? Another symbol of Poseidon was the white tree. Could this be a symbol of the white mater in the brain?

Maybe we will never find Atlantis be it India (or Antarctica or Eye of Sahara or in the Bermuda?) if it is actually just referring to an internal brain anatomy!


This may sound a little far out but I have to wonder could the story of the sinking of Atlantis be referring to the sinking of your own brain? I had never considered this before but it actually makes sense in Greco-Buddhist Pegasi talk. If you look at the intro slide to this newsletter at the brain slice you will see not only if is the hippocampus (labelled camp) and cerebral cortex shrunken but strangely the VENTRICLE (labelled vent) through which also flows the cerebral spinal fluid is SWOLLEN with fluid. It’s as if POSEIDON has sent a FLOOD of ocean but your poor sea horses are dying and can no longer fly as their wings are also atrophied.

This actually sounds not really all that far out to me since the story of Atlantis was told by a Greek supposedly written on a temple in Egypt and I know the temples in Egypt were talking about a relation of the heavens with internal anatomy. If the Eye of Ra symbol happens to look just like the brainstem then why couldn’t the story of Atlantis actually be about the brain getting flooded and your neural city sinking? Fascinating. I sense truth in this but if that is the case then I wonder what was the crystal that destroyed Atlantis? Could it be the amyloid protein mis-folding and causing a chain reaction of brain doom. Could the story of Atlantis be a crazy warning about what not to do to trigger the brain to go into an irreversible Dementia state? Perhaps the Greek sea god Poseidon of Atlantis might be analogous to the Egyptian Nile flooding god Hapi from whence comes the English word HAPPY!


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that the ancient Egyptians actually did know a thing or two about the brain anatomy and function but they squirreled away the knowledge in other temples to make it completely hidden. Whatever it was they may have encoded it in zoomorphic symbology like hawk headed, croc headed, beetle headed, lion headed etc representations of human neuroanatomy! The only one I even start to get is the croc headed demon Ammit mad version of Tawaret who would eat your heart if it wasn’t light enough. Today the term “light hearted” is synonymous with happy. Is there a secret message in the story of the Egyptian book of the dead that you have to be HAPPY i.e. Light Hearted which references the brain without actually talking about it keeping it hidden? I actually think happiness in the form of laughter especially will vibrate the head and assist in brain detox.


Migraine is said to be a risk factor for dementia.

This makes perfect sense to me since migraine (and depression) can be caused by brain inflammation which can in turn be caused by infection or toxicity.

Try iMedDo Detox. Colloidal silver and colloidal gold are anti-inflammatory and both colloidal silver and iodine are germicidal.


Viral encephalitis (virus induced brain swelling) can be a cause of dementia.


Aluminum, mercury and lead, things you don’t want to be injecting into your body can be a cause of dementia. In ancient Roman times, they would drink out of lead cups which was okay when they lived by the sea and got enough iodine to detox it but started making for some crazy Romans more inland. Have you heard the term Mad as a Hatter? Hat makers in England were Mercury poisoned by the hat rims and went bonkers. Both Mercury & Lead are in vaccines as well as injected aluminum which can turn your brain to stone Medusa style especially in the presence of halogens by forming calcium fluoride and aluminum fluoride. All vaccines contain aluminum! Terrible.


Speaking of vaccines, this was terrible month for California as their less than hippocampal using legislators decided to pass a law SB276 removing ability of doctors to give vaccine exemptions. It’s bad. I’m sorry California. I hope you fix this fast or so many children will be injured. Even if you are a child injured by a vaccine, the schools are now going to force them to get more and not allow their doctor to write them an exemption. Complete failure of mainstream medicine in California. Horrible. Fortunately, the parents in California look ready to fight so hopefully this ridiculous unconstitutional law in violation of hippocratic oath putting the Cali doctors to shame will be repealed soon.


I made a video about the importance of “AUM for Alzheimer’s” the idea that you need to vibrate your head as part of brain detox. See timecode 6:31.

For those who want to dig deeper into what I’m talking about in the video, read about recent advances in what is called the “Glymphatic System” on how the brain plumbing system for waste elimination and detox works which is very poorly understood. There’s no muscles in the brain so how does it flow? Tidal valve constriction like waves on beach we think. Gotta shake that hour glass =).

Bacyinski, A; Xu, M; Wang, W; Hu, J (2017). “The Paravascular Pathway for Brain Waste Clearance: Current Understanding, Significance and Controversy”. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 11: 101. doi:10.3389/fnana.2017.00101. PMC 5681909. PMID 29163074.


Bayer (now super evil Bayer-Monsanto) marketing heroin as a cough suppressant in 1899.

A new form of pre-senile “early onset” dementia was discovered in 1906 in Munich Germany right after the evil company Bayer had been getting everyone addicted to heroin.

I think that Alzheimer’s is a hoax and that the definition of dementia was re-written to keep people from finding out that it is actually being caused by a a class of drugs (opioids) which were developed as a bioweapon for WWI & WWII by the Germans and are now being used against the American public because by normalizing what is now called Alzheimer’s dementia they have created what is now the most expensive to us and most profitable to them form of sick-care on the face of the planet.

This subject is really hard for me talk about because I am bombarded with evil negative energy when I look into it the more of a crime I see and the madder it makes me. It’s hard for me to be light hearted when reading about such evil. If you want to look into it yourself read about the life of Aloysius Alzheimer and Emil Kraepelin and how he wrote a new textbook to muddle the definitions of early dementia (renamed dementia praecox as schizophrenia and made sure depression not considered dementia anymore). I suspect he knew that what Aloysius Alzheimer had discovered was opioid drug induced by Bayer’s heroin and that he covered it up.

The Romans had a saying to “speak nothing ill against the dead”. However, Emil Kraepelin does not look like a good guy to me. I think this dude took a drug induced early dementia gave it a new name, then obfuscated all other forms of early dementias so as to be able to redefine his newly named dementia as an older person dementia. Then once he got everyone tricked into thinking Alzheimer’s is a senile dementia (not the pre-senile dementia it is because you can induce it at any age whenever you want in young people). That way he was able to define an “early onset Alzheimer dementia” which has now been established as THE MOST EXPENSIVE (AHEM PROFITABLE) OF ALL DISEASES IN THE DEVELOPED COUNTRIES. He got it in his new book in 1927 just in time to be paid handsomely for his evil work by the Rockefeller foundation. I think he was tormenting by his crime against humanity and was interested in Buddhism later in life because he probably realized that in his next life he would be reincarnated as a cockroach. Okay I know that sounded harsh just calling it like I see it.


OPIOD DRUGS CAUSE DEMENTIA and specifically cause what is know called ALZHEIMER’S DEMENTIA especially HEROIN but also probably all the other opioids too which include OXYCODONE (OxyContin), HYDROCODONE (Vicodin), CODEINE, MORPHINE, and many others. If you know someone with Alzheimer’s or even vascular dementia and if you check their record they were probably poisoned with one of these pain killer drugs. Are you starting to get dementia and are on one of these drugs? STOP IT and DETOX! Your hippocampus is dying.



I found a mainstream medical definition of dementia on by Dr. William Shiel Jr MD which I want to point out and pick apart.


Dementia: Significant loss of intellectual abilities, such as memory capacity, that is severe enough to interfere with social or occupational functioning.

Criteria for the diagnosis of dementia include impairment of attention, orientation, memory, judgment, language, motor and spatial skills, and function. By definition, dementia is not due to major depression or schizophrenia. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. Other causes include AIDS, alcoholism, brain injury, vascular dementia (damage to the blood vessels leading to the brain), dementia with Lewy bodies, brain tumors, drug toxicity, infection of brain, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, meningitis, Pick disease, syphilis, and hypothyroidism


I agree with the first part of the definition. “Significant loss of intellectual abilities, such as memory capacity, that is severe enough to interfere with social or occupational functioning.” I like this as a broad definition of dementia.


What is weird is the strange sentence:
“By definition, dementia is not due to major depression or schizophrenia.”

That is ridiculous to me as the very word dementia as I discussed ad nauseam in its etymology is “split mind” and quite literally schizophrenia comes from German words for “split mind”. Who would define split mind not to fall under split mind? Emil Kraepelin that’s who.


I’m just plain shocked at how much a single guy managed to screw up modern medicine as bad as Emil Kraepelin the “Founder of Modern Psychiatry” from whence this redefinition came, and I have to believe he was just paid off to do it feel free to read about him and make your own opinion. He was a social Darwinist and a fan of eugenics, so I already know there is no way he was a real physician as no-one who believes in Eugenics (killing off other groups of people with bad genes to keep the good genes) can possibly be adhering to the Hippocratic oath.

Anyway, I just want the reader to know that I strongly disagree with the “Modern Psychiatry” definition of dementia which “by definition” excluded depression and schizophrenia as these can easily fit under the broad definition of dementia and more specifically can all fit right in just fine with drug induced pre-senile dementias including what Emil Kraepelin defined as Alzheimer’s dementia to obfuscate the Alzheimer’s is also a pre-senile dementia. Do your own research but I think this monkeying with the definition of dementia is significant as it was likely aimed at hiding the full extent of drug adverse reactions from the public.

If you take a drug that causes brain inflammation then you can very easily get depression, schizophrenia (dementia praecox) and/or Alzheimer’s all three of which can be considered in this case forms of drug induced pre-senile dementia.

So in my personal opinion, the field of Psychiatry & its founder Emil Kraepelin, the Rockefeller funded eugenicist, did a great disservice to actual medicine by redefining dementia. to try to separate Alzheimer’s pre-senile dementia from other forms of pre-senile dementia so that he could trick the public into believe that Alzheimer’s is a form of normal “senile dementia” that come naturally with old age so that people will not think to look for other causes and will not make the connection that drugs are the cause of all three pre-senile dementias. By acting like “early onset Alzheimer’s in the 50’s” is just an weird exception to senile dementia instead of defining it to be a normal form of “pre-senile dementia” when you cause it on purpose with drugs.


This really looks like a crime me, the old switcheroo to hide how drugs are making people have old people brains before their time by acting pre-senile dementia is caused by old age instead of from drugs and toxins.

Alzheimer’s disease was originally classified as a ‘presenile dementia’. Since the 1980s, ‘senile dementia of Alzheimer type’ (SDAT) and ‘Alzheimer’s disease’ have been considered to belong to the same pathological entity and both are now known as ‘dementia of Alzheimer’s type (DAT)’ or merely ‘Alzheimer’s disease’.



Now that Alzheimer’s is an old person problem, not a drug thing then if you do get it, it must be your bad genetics! This is a Eugenicists dream come true. Let’s just poison all the groups of people we don’t like and blame their inferior genes for it!

Here’s a great trick:

There are at least three dominant genes that have been identified in cases of familial Alzheimer’s disease with early onset, namely the amyloid precursor gene (APP), and the genes encoding presenilin 1 (PSEN1) and presenilin 2 (PSEN2).
Therefore, genetic abnormalities are important factors contributing to the earlier onset of the illness.



Continuing to pick apart the mainstream definition of dementia from


it goes on to say “Alzheimers is the most common cause of Dementia”.

From their perspective, sure drugs have been successful in causing a scourge of Alzheimer’s to the point of making this drug induced pre-senile dementia to now be considered the “most common” form of dementia.

And yes from their perspective, drugs are not the problem because Alzheimer’s is a senile dementia and if you get early onset Alzheimer’s surely it’s just a genetic problem.

Alzheimer’s is now the most expensive form of all diseases in developed countries.

Job well done managers you have maximized profit at the expense of human health.
Job failed physicians, you are stripped of you priestly powers and real doctors who follow they hippocratic oath will expose you, destroy you and the people will lynch you once they realize what you have done.


Continuing to pick apart the mainstream definition of dementia from


“Other causes include AIDS, alcoholism, brain injury, vascular dementia (damage to the blood vessels leading to the brain), dementia with Lewy bodies, brain tumors, drug toxicity, infection of brain, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, meningitis, Pick disease, syphilis, and hypothyroidism”


I’m very pleased that buried deep that the mainstream medical definition does mention
“drug toxicity”. Obviously, I would have put that as #1 after age.

Heroin & other Opioids drugs (Morphine, Oxycodone etc). No doubt other drugs I haven’t looked into yet. Anything that screws with Aequorin protein molecules which regulate vascular water flow or impeded elimination of natural brain waste products like amyloid proteins in particular.


AIDS, brain tumors, infection of the brain, meningitis


brain tumors, infection of the brain, meningitis, syphilis, Pick disease (frontal lobe problem but death by infection), many if not all forms of dementia can have associated bacterial infection at the end as cause of death. Aloysius Alzheimer himself died of what is believed to be vascular dementia from bacteria infection complications only a few years with declining health in years 1912-1915 after discovering Alzheimer’s in 1906 with Emil Kraepelin.


Lewy bodies, drug toxicity, infection of brain, Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, meningitis, Pick disease, syphilis, hypothyroidism (from halogen or heavy metal toxicity), alcoholism (too much waste not detoxed fast enough, change in fluid osmolarity & vascular pressure, dehydration)


hypothyroidism (from iodine deficiency), vascular dementia (not enough oxygen), stopped up arteries or cerebrospinal fluid.


Notice that mainstream definition doesn’t even mention age anymore. I would have listed it as #1. However, they don’t want you thinking about age as they don’t want you to think about the senile vs pre-senile switcheroo they are doing. Also they are correct in a way since they have manufacture a system where Alzheimer’s can be caused by drugs at any age then age not such an important factor anymore not even worth mentioning. it’s like a terrible joke to claim that Alzheimer’s is a senile dementia and not talk about age.


In the field of death insurance called “life insurance” to make it sell, it’s all about making bets on the AGE you will die. I worked briefly as a licensed insurance agent, and I learned that the average age people start dying in the statistical actuary models is about age 68. The government is incentivized to encourage mainstream doctors to prescribe drugs and to help pay for them (see Medicare Part D the Drug Plan) at the age of 65 when Medicare starts and my fear is that this is being used modulate the death curve. If you want to live longer than they think you should statistically, I recommend being wary of the drugs and considering nutrition and health supplements instead if you want to “beat the system”.

The average age of life expectancy continues to decline in the U.S.

Male life expectancy 78.6, Female Life expectancy 81.1.

However, I think this is misleading as I believe there is a hump where people really start dropping dead at age 68-68 like clockwork if you allow them to fully drug you up at age 65. If you can survive the age 69 holocaust you can live much longer.


Women are expected to live a full 5 years longer.
If you think like an unscrupulous criminal you can see that the people running the Social Security Scam could be worried that they are going to have to pay out more money to women than to men approximately 5 years longer based on sex. How can they get that money back? I know how about by inducing early onset Alzheimer’s dementia. You might still be alive those extra 5 years but without your mind and and shelling out all your cash for assisted living. SERIOUSLY WOMEN BEWARE! Not only can they do it with opioid pain medication but they can do it with halogens and iodine deficiency and note how hypothyroidism is listed in the mainstream medical definition causes of Dementia which they define as most of Dementia’s are Alzheimers in their drug paradigm.


Pre-senile dementia in children and younger folks would include depression and schizophrenia if not for Emil Kraepelin. How many people do you know with depression? Seemingly everyone I know. These folks are all at risk for dementia. Brain inflammation from heavy metals like mercury & lead and from injected aluminum from vaccines is a causing tissue inflammation and the forced vaccinations and new horrible laws removing vaccine exemptions like the once that just passed in California this month are a sign of not so good times in the future. Will you fight now or will you wait until both your and your child’s mind is gone?


Many American don’t know the difference between or the connection between Socialism & Fascism they just know they are both bad. Both seek to enact control for the greater “Public Good”. In the case of the Germans they wanted to strengthen their Volk (Race/People) and attack other “inferior”races. In the case of the Communist, they want you to surrender your individual right in favor of “group rights the so called “Public Good””. The truth is that in America and in American Law all rights are derived from Individual Rights. The Public has no rights that the individual does not. Communism a form of Socialism has crept into America. Fascism also a form of Socialism has crept into America. Have you seen the “Sound of Music” the old movie where they were so shocked when the Nazi’s were reading their mail! A violation of privacy. Now in America with our spy on us phones, it’s like we forgot what privacy even means. Destruction of individual privacy and medical rights is a hallmark of all collectivism both Socialist & Fascist. American was actually founded on Greco-Buddhist philosophy from ancient Greece and Persia around the time of Alexander the Great (Greece) and prior Darius the Great (Persia). Just as in Buddhism or Hinduism, each person is believed to have an inner divine or inner “daimon” spirit. Or in Egyptian terms an immortal “Ka” spirit, or for Christians the Holy Spirit (the guiding “Christ light”) which to the Hindu is the Krishna “Compassion” inside of us. I like the term Sophia for the Goddess of Wisdom, or in the Greco-Roman symbology the Nike “Victory” held in the palm of your hand. Have you seen the imagery of the palm of Buddha or the hand of Fatima? It is a mandala on the right palm which means “Fearless”. When you raise your right hand in court to point out the truth do you do so with wavering voice or while channeling your inner divine? Be Fearless. Alzheimer’s doesn’t scare me, infection doesn’t scare, death doesn’t scare me because I am an immortal spirit part of an endless cycle of truth with mission to know myself better by reflecting love from helping others so I can recognize my true self. As inscribed on both the Egyptian & Greek Temples “Know Thyself”.


The chant “Nam Myho Rengo Kyo” means something like “all hail the divine hidden law of the lotus sutra”. MYHO the hidden law is the dharma, that will bring self inflicted HARM to those who violate Ma’at, and HARMONY peace, prosperity, healing to those who uphold it. NAM is the divine name (you) & RENGE or ring/jewel/lotus blossom is the hidden Mane or divine spirit within yourself. KYO the “thread or fabric of life”.

Try 3 drops of NeuGold and listen to this chant which is a song of self-love. Breathe deeply & you will feel your brain opening up to more oxygen and the vibration of this frequency of love will facilitate brain detox & self healing.


I hope you have enjoyed this episode on Defeating Dementia. Maybe I should have called it Detoxing Dementia, or Avoiding Drug Induced Dementia instead but hopefully I go the points across. Thankyou for your continued support of this newsletter and as a reminder you can find old issues archived at link and you can find iMedDo detox system at Etsy shop from link Dementia is a very broad topic, and this was just a first pass, so let me know if you have any feedback or want to discuss any topic further.

Special thanks to Joye the featured distributor for asking me to discuss this topic and anyone struggling with any form of dementia themselves and/or struggling to take care of a loved one with dementia.

If you tried but haven’t left a review yet for iMedDo detox system please do so and ask me for a coupon code for your next purchase.

NAMASTE (The divine in me recognizes the divine in you)

FINIS (The End).


Disclaimers: Views & Opinions of Dr. Ben DSM & in this newsletter do not necessarily represent the views & opinions of iMedDo. iMedDo products are sold as health supplements for health support subject to the FDA disclaimers: Products Not Evalulated by FDA & not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. Read & Understand the Health Supplement Mindset at Guide.

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