Greetings iMedDo online Congregation subscribers to iMedDo newsletter! Today I’m going to really preach it, because I have a major message for you all straight from God, which is a simple message of Freedom, but it nearly blew my mind when I comprehended it. What I Re-discovered is that the Ancient Egyptian board game SENAT has a direct connection to the Parliamentary Law of the Roman, English & American SENATE! More amazing still is how Senat is connected to Early Christianity (Coptic & Arian) from Egypt, and how it was repurposed by the Romans & even Roman influenced Germanic peoples, and had a profound influence on the structure of not only English Parliament, which has a House of Lords & House of Commons, but also on American Parliament which has a SENATE & House of Representatives. The message I is that if you learn Parliamentary Law, which in America requires learning of “Robert’s Rules of Order” which is modeled after the English House of Commons procedure, that it will allow you to significantly level up in spiritual power; and it will give you a much greater ability to fight for and defend, not only your own inalienable God given rights, but will give you the FREEDOM you so greatly desire! As such, iMedDo church is also going to share this work with our sister church Whole Life Center, Freedomism religion, as they worship Freedom as Deity, and I think they will find this article very enlightening as well. Also I want to give a shout out to GAME ON, Chattanooga local Game Store owner Derrick Sheets who is also an ordained minister of Freedomism for going kayaking with the board of iMedDo & letting us talk to him about the known & unknown rules of Senat with Freedom application.
There was an ancient board game played in Egypt from five thousand years ago which was played for over two thousand years and which was even played up until around 400 AD which was forced discontinued by the Romans in favor of a new religion based on it. The game has many names, & had many ways to play it both 2 person and solo mode where you could even play against God as Goddess! Winning the game when playing against God allowed one to reach eternal life, & so the game was frequently placed in tombs as a burial item as even having a copy of the game in your tomb insured your eventual resurrection as the Sun.
The game I’m referring to is called Senat or Senet, and in this episode I’m going to convince you my dear readers that this game is also the origin of the Roman and American Parliament upper house i.e. the Senate. This connection was not something that was easy to discern because it is something that has been purposefully hidden away, but with the blessing of God this knowledge has returned. Please bear with me as I do my best to explain the connection step by step so that it will make logical sense & be sure to do your own meditation to verify all that I am about to say. I figured out the connection by the Grace of God while reading Robert’s Rules of Order & getting board experience combined with my prior knowledge of this ancient game and making the phonetic connection between Senat & Senate. Although board games are fun and accessible to all, the knowledge contained in this board game which contains the knowledge of general assemblies and boards even like Parliament boards is actually very advanced as spans topics of legislature, law, judgment, religion, resurrection and contains multi-thousands of years of warfare fighting over the nature of Heaven and Hell and the name of God encompassing not only ancient Egyptian religion, but also hiding secrets of pre-Roman Christianity. So please be sure to detox with iMedDo, and take a few extra drops of NeuGold before reading, as you will be connecting to the Holy Spirit herself when doing this Freedom meditation. Okay you ready?
The first thing you need to known is what is “On”? On is like Off & On of a light switch. On means light. On is also the name of the Egyptian city of the Sun known to the Greeks as “Heliopolis, Egypt”. The Egyptian religion of light was centered in Luxor, Egypt where Lux is the Roman/Latin word for “Light”.
So I used the phrase “THE Game of On” on purpose as it’s “THE” i.e. GOD game as Theos means God in Greek. “of On” is like OFF/ON it’s the game of OFF (Death) and ON (LIFE).
By the Grace of God I have been given the knowledge to read these above hieroglyphs! “Hiero” means sacred, and “glyphs” means writing. The sacred writing for THE Game of On consists of the 4 glyphs. Actually it’s 3 glyphs [OFF, WATER, ON], or the three glyphs can be represented by a combined single glyph [THE Game of On i.e. Senat/Senet/Senate] which looks like a box with little pieces on top of it, here it is:
The game is Senate is also known as the Game of “Passing”. The pieces struggle pass each other just as Senators struggle to “Pass” a Bill in a Parliament. Although the rules to this game were lost [purposefully destroyed by the Romans c400AD] people have reconstructed many of the rules, and then I recovered even more rules through the Grace of God and my prior meditations and by study of Egyptian hieroglyphs & language.
Before I really get into it to explain how this game is related to legislatures and judicial systems and religion and what it all means & why I got knowledge on this game from reading and applying Robert’s rules of Order, I just want to reiterate the basic part of it which is that is is the Game of OFF and ON where you have to PASS the WATER to get from OFF to ON. Because being OFF is being dead and being ON is being alive, the idea of Passing the water to get from one state to the other is the core concept of this ancient Egyptian Game.
The water in the game [always spot number #27], instead of being friendly water, it’s the WATERS OF CHAOS! Landing on the waters of chaos typical causes your pawn to drown and die [it’s like a double death since you already in the underworld in this game trying to get out] and sends you back to the start in the hall of judgement [first 10 spaces]. Note how in the blue faience Senat game of Amenhotep III uses an X as the water symbol at spot #27. [X as “Chi” as water symbol is of interest in Christian versions of this game].
Because the 27th spot on the Senat game corresponded to the 27th day of the 30 day Egyptian calendar month, we can assume that it was a day of chaos (Set) for washing, atoning, prayer and judgement in hopes of passing the waters of chaos. If you pawn lands in the water it DIES from drowning UNLESS you have obtained some modifier to allow your piece to survive. In most reconstructed rules if you pawn lands on the water spot it either has to respawn at the start of the board [spot #1] or on the spot of the house of life [spot #15].
Although the rules to this game were lost I think I recovered the majority of them and the most important rules pertained to how to survive the water.
By the Grace of God [and noticing triple water sign on some boards], I figured out that your character has three different ways to survive the waters of Chaos [spot #27] before making it to safety off the board meaning you successfully made it from OFF to ON i.e. out of death back to life.
To survive the waters of chaos you need a boat, need to have a house of life, or need to be able to walk on water!
You either need to have a house of life [spot #15], get a boat [solar barque possibly spot #12] or you need to be able to walk on the water [Jesus style possibly spot #14]. So there is an area of control aspect to this game that the other attempts to reconstruct the rules missed.
Although there are seemingly many variations of this game they all seem to have spot #15 and spots #26-30 consistent where #15 is always the house of life or something similar [ankh, frog symbol basically a safe spot that your character who drowned on the water spot can respawn [reincarnate]], spot #26 is goodness or something similar [neferu, triple neferu, perfect, trinity, triple goodness etc] is a spot where if you land there you get to go again. Spot #27 is always the water [water of chaos] or something similar [water wavy sign or Chi “X” symbol for Christ or AMEN etc] which is always either a place you either drown or if you have a modifier [house of life, boat or can walk on water] that you can survive. Spot 28, 29, 30 are nice places but are traps that you have to later get an exact role of 3 [spot 28], 2 [spot 29], or 1 [spot 30] to make it off the board i.e. make it from OFF to ON i.e. make it ON the board of life by getting OFF the board of DEATH!!!
The core concept of of THE Game of On is that you are actually playing in your own private dungeon in HELL as your soul pieces are trying to get out of being dead (OFF) back to being alive (ON) i.e. make it to Heaven! The quirk the game is that your already dead pawns can die a second time if they land on the water of life and can sometimes reincarnate inside of being dead at the house of life spot. So to the Egyptians being dead was more of a spectrum, you could be double dead and you could also be double alive! For double alive you need to be “alive” in the underworld and then for double life you needed to make it all the way off the board out of the underworld. The first 1-13 spots of Senat are like being double dead [you dead and you in the lower part of Hell], Spot 14 is like you dead but now you golden. Spot 15 is you alive again but still in hell (so not yet double alive). Last few spots on the board you alive in hell and golden (almost double alive but not quite). And then when your pawn makes it off the board your pawn is now double alive both alive & out of hell now one with the Sun god able to rise again now!. I find the nuanced way that the Egyptians thought about life and death with double life and double death and how being alive or dead was a spectrum where even in the darkest of dark death when OFF you still have that infinite potential to reincarnate & resurrect to be very beautiful.
[The Egyptian concept of Heaven was that your soul successfully navigated the dungeon with traps of the du’at underworld [like milky way on its side] so that your Ba [dead body] could reunite as your Ka [immortal spirit] with the Sun [Ra] and that you could rise again like the sun rises everyday on the horizon one with the Sun/Son of God.]
The board consists of 30 spaces where each space corresponds to one day of a 30 day Egyptian month.
[Just as we have 365.25 days in a year where we handle the 0.25 by adding a leap year every four years, the Egyptians made their year 360 days exactly and treated the extra 5 days and extra day every four years as holidays and by doing this they made each of their months exactly 30 days long. The Romans after they conquered Egypt in 53 BC, coopted the Egyptian concepts of time and gave us the more confusing calendar we are using today where our months fluctuate from 28-31 days].
Once you recognize the board contains the concept of TIME you can start imagine how the board could have been used for divination by the ancient Egyptians. The only non-changing parts of the board were spaces 15, and the last 5 spaces of the board indicating particular reverence for the Ides of the month (middle of the month on the 15th, a concept the Romans also had [Caesar was killed on the Ides of March indicating the people who killed him had no reverence for this]
I have identified a 2 player mode, a solo mode where you play against God as your opponent!!!! and possibly a 3 player and even 4 player or however many players you want to add in up to 14 maximum! [As a strategic board game player I recognize the impressiveness of making a game that is so versatile for player count].
There are 2 different sets of pieces which can be thought of as 7 “white” pieces and 7 “black” pieces for simplicity though they are typically represented in Senate games found in tombs as being either pointy things or round circular flat things. There is some evidence to suggest that the pointy things could represent gazelles & the flat pieces represent lions.
I figured out that a typical Egyptian way was that the pointy pieces represented the black cat goddess Bast and the flat things represented the dwarf lion god Bes. This is consistent with the above papyrus where male lion [lion with mane] which would be Bes would play the round flat pieces.
When playing 2 player each player picks a side and both players get either 5 or 7 figures each depending on whether they want to play a short or a longer game and alternate their pieces on the first 10 spaces on the board which symbolize some sort of hall of judgement in the underworld.
[I believe that you might have had to do something whenever you landed on on of the spaces such as possibly recite one of the 10 commandments or some other of the 42 laws of Ma’at when landing on one of the first 10 spaces. This game was to teach people and would have been used to teach the law. By playing the game you also learned the Egyptian religion.]
The movement in Senat could be simulated with a 6 sided die but if you did it would’n be Senat as would change the probabilities. Senat can only be played with either 4 two sided sticks, or can be played with 4 two sided coins, and you can move 1,2,3,4 or 6 but never can move 5! You could simulate this with a 6 sided dice and ignore rolls of 5 but the probabilities of the game would no longer work out right to be Senat.
The way you move is that you “cast lots” by throwing 4 sticks which are white on one side and black on the other side. You can do the same thing by flipping 4 coins where heads could be defined as white and tails as black for example. I’ll explain the rules in terms of flipping coins as is easier for me to think about. If white player [lions] flips 4 coins and gets one heads and 3 tails it means white player gets to move 1 space. If white player flips 4 coins and get two heads and 2 tails means white gets to move 2 spaces. If you white player flips 4 coins and gets 3 heads and one tails white gets to move 3 spaces. If white player flips the 4 coins and gets 4 heads and no tails means white player gets to move 4 spaces. Special! If white player flips the 4 coins and gets 4 tails, white player gets to move 6 spaces!
An important part of this game is you can never cast/flip/roll a 5, you can only get a 1,2,3,4 or 6 movement on your turn. [The number 5 was sacred in this game possibly representing the 5 element and being sacred to Bast the black cat or gazelle player, you never get to roll a 5 for some unknown reason]
The movement on the board goes in a big S [snake shaped] pattern where you start moving from top left to right for first 10 spaces, then from right to left for spaces 11-20, and then back to the right again for spaces 21-30. [The board itself was a representative of the Milky Way on its side i.e. the du’at which when you see board from above like seeing our Milky Way spiral galaxy from above you see a big snake, also see other Egyptian game called Menat which has a spiral snake shaped board, Egyptians loved snakes.
To cure disease you have to remove the snake from curSe. Or more accurately you have to flip reverse S of a curse back around to being the Snake of Wisdom forwards S. That’s what I do with iMedDo all the time where with iMedDo detox system I help people remove the curse of fluoride and toxicity poisoning and help them advance in their spiritual journey with the snake of wisdom instead. Jesus says to be as wise as a serpent.
The way the Egyptians figured out to overcome death was just to treat death like a disease or a curse. Any disease even death can be cured and the game of Senat with its 30 spaces detailed the exact mechanism of healing the soul to get it all the way from double death back to double life!
The big backwardsS of the board represents a big curse [curSe] of your characters being dead [OFF] and you are trying to get off the board of death to get your characters back alive [ON] with the normal S which is the snake of wisdom [Holy Spirit]. Cure is removing the S snake of the Curse as you go from OFF to ON, but you gotta get passed space 27 the waters of chaos first! Egyptians loved boats & their solar barque was like a get out of jail free card where you could successfully navigate the waters of chaos.
Players take turns moving where white player [male lions] rolls/flips heads [white site of sticks] and black player [female cats or gazelles] rolls/flips tails [black sides of sticks].
If you land on the spot where another player is you swap your token with theirs!
If you have two of your pieces next to each other on the board they protect each other from being swapped.
[The board game backgammon has a similar feature & is thought to be ultimately derived from Senat as well. In my opinion all board games and even RPGs with dungeons and DMs are derived from Senat as I will explain on solo player mode. This is the Senat move that Shari and I used repeatedly to win when playing Senat as Senate in a real board meeting, and I can’t emphasize enough how important mastering this rule is if you want to win Senat. Ability to do double protection Senat moves in the game of life is why married people have better chance to win when playing Senat in cooperative mode. Double protection is why the necromancer Sauron just needed one ring (a marriage ring) to rule the world because if he had mastered the Egyptian Senat art of double protection (Senat cooperative mode) he would have been unstoppable].
Senate is a race game as you are trying to get all your pieces off the board before your opponent. [I believe that Senate be played mean mode like lions versus gazelles or can be played cooperative mode where Bes & Bast both though competing to pull the chariot of the mother Cat to see who can do it fastest are both actually on the same team. Same idea with Senators trying to pass a bill, they may oppose each other and speak against each other on motions trying to pass a certain bill, but ultimately they are on the same team].
WEB (Lose Turn): If you land on spot #16 [web/net/spider/fishing hook/fisher etc] your character loses a turn [gets tortured for bad behavior having been judged lacking in the halls of judgement of the first 10 spots]
GOODNESS (Extra Turn). If you land on spot #26 [goodness, trinity, perfect, neferu, triple neferu etc] you get to take another turn.
DROWN. If you land on spot #27 [waters of chaos] your character drowns and you respawn somewhere in the hall of judgement [spots 1-10 first available one from top left to right] or [optional rule respawns on spot #15 the house of life, but I don’t use this rule see my optional rule(s) below instead].
GOOD DEEDS. If you have another pawn of your color on spot #5 [Ma’at, i.e. the Mother Ray i.e. Mary] your character has lived their previous life [when they used to be ON] well so as a blessing from the Goddess when another one of your pawns lands on spot #27 [waters of chaos], instead of re-spawning at the start of the board can instead re-spawn at spot #15 [house of life thanks to the lady of mercy]. When you no longer have a pawn on spot #5 you other pawns lose the ability to respawn at spot #15 and instead respawn first available spot at start of board [spots 1-10] if they drown spot #27.
GRACE: If there is already a pawn be it your color or other color at spot #15 when you drown with one of your pawns at spot #5, your pawn on #27 does not drown is saved by the Grace of the Goddess and just ends turn at spot #27.
FAITH (WALK ON WATER). If you have another pawn of your color on spot #14 [The Aton, Aten, Odin, Jesus, God Spot] your character has become one with God and can walk on water [Jesus style] so does not drown on spot #27 and just ends turn there instead of reincarnating at beginning of board or on spot #15. When you no longer have a pawn on spot #14 you other pawns lose the ability to walk on water.
BOAT. If you have a pawn of your color on spot #12 [Orion constellation on solar barque boat] you have a boat so your other pawn who just landed on spot #27 the water of chaos doesn’t drown as has a boat.
SACRIFICE. A player may optionally choose to sacrifice one of his pawns to keep the player of the opposite color from drowning on spot #27 if they were going to drown [with no boat, no walk on water and no grace ie they would have died and had to respawn somewhere at start of board if not saved by sacrifice]. This is done when it is not their turn and the sacrificed pawn having shown the ultimate love respawns at spot #14, the player they saved ends turn at spot #27 having not drowned thanks to the sacrifice, then the player who performed the sacrifice takes their next turn as normal [and now has the walk on water ability for their other pawns as now has a pawn on spot #14]. “No greater love is there than to sacrifice yourself for another”.
If player ends turn with a pawn on spot #28 requires on some subsequent turn an exact roll/flip/cast of 3 to move pawn off the board.
If player ends turn with a pawn on spot #27 requires on some subsequent turn an exact roll/flip/cast of 2 to move pawn off the board.
If player ends turn with a pawn on spot #29 requires on some subsequent turn an exact roll/flip/cast of 1 to move pawn off the board.
For any of “trap” spots #28-29 if you roll less than than exact amount to get off the board you cannot move that pawn, but if you roll excess of the exact amount you go forwards and then backwards. For example if you are on spot #28 and need to roll exactly a 3 to get off the board, but you roll a 6 instead [4 heads] then you go forward 3 spaces then backwards 3 spaces and would land on the waters of chaos which you would have to resolve normally [you drown unless have a boat etc].
First player to get all their pawns off the board wins! [If you are playing gazelles in mean mode means you escaped the lions who where torturing your soul in the halls of judgement, if you were playing Bes versus Bast means your little kitty proved to mother Goddess they can pull the chariot faster, the other player then continues to play in solo mode unti all their pawns are also off the board then the chariot of sould of Ra successfully makes it out of the underworld OFF to resurrect as the dawn back to ON. Or you can interpret the win conditions however you want according to your own religious views. Christian interpretation is that you body successfully resurrects from the dead with double life in the second coming of Christ.
The iMedDo detox system that gives you more energy is like the triple goodness spot on the Senat board that lets you roll again. The iMedDo detox system is like the last 3 golden spots on the board that position your soul for ignition with the Holy Spirit 3,2,1 count-down to escaping the game of poison, toxicity & death and rising like the sun with triple life! The lesson of Senat is that when you get to the end you have to slow down when detoxing don’t go to fast or you might go backwards back to the waters of chaos, you need to an exact intentional move to decide to exit the game death just as you each need to take personal responsibility for your health and what you eat and what you do in life as it will determine your game in the underworld and whether or not your soul gets to heaven.
In the underworld game of Senate there is special move where if you land on spot #14 you become golden like Jesus and then as long as you have a pawn on that spot your other pawns can walk on water avoiding drowning on spot #27 the waters of chaos. So the Christian versions of Senate likely promoted the idea that belief in Jesus would save you from death which it does for all your pawns except the last one. However, looking at Senat when you are on your last pawn, you have to traverse the waters without the benefit of any modifiers as you don’t have any other pawns holding down any beneficial spots (grace, boat, belief) which is why you really need to pray at that time that you don’t land on the water of chaos when your last pawn is exiting the dungeon. One strategy is to sacrifice your last pawn near the end of the game to help your opponent to keep from drowning, which by special rule allows you pawn to turn golden and walk on water which allows your last pawn to escape the dungeon without fear of death from drowning at the water spot. I saw some Christian posts on Twitter about how Satan can imitate Jesus and looking at the game of Senat I can see where these types of beliefs come from in the Egyptian religion as your Senat opponent be it other person or the game itself in solo mode is considered the “Devil i.e. your opponent” but even the devil can behave benevolently with the sacrifice. I an see why my ancestors who were Arian Christians having learned their Christianity in Alexandria, Egypt probably from playing Senat to pass the time were considered heretics by the Romans, but turns out they were right. “Get Behind Me Satan!” [I’m gonna pass your ass in Senat!] =)
It is my belief that Senat was a game that the Roman Senate modeled their lawmaking after as did the Carthaginian Senate. After the Punic Wars, Goddess worship fell out of favor in Rome and after conquering Egypt the Romans suppressed Senate as they thought it created rebels who would now accept Caesar Augustus family as God unless Caesar could tie himself to Egyptian royalty bloodline of Pharaoh. Although Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony tried to do this with Cleopatra VII, they lost and Caesar’s nephew Octavian (the first Caesar Augustus i.e. Augusta meant divine, tried to get the people to worship him as a God instead of the Egyptian Pharaoh family as God. By 400 AD the Roman Emperor’s decided to shut down all Egyptian religion and last Egyptian temple was closed in Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire). By 500 AD there were still many Egyptian Christians such as the Coptic Christians from Thebes (Theban legion) and Arian Christians (Arius from Alexandria, Egypt) who likely knew or learned of Christianity through Christianized version of Senate. Eventually the Roman Catholics won and later after Protestant Reformation Germany and then England and now American South has become the center of protestant Christianity.
Many of the fights of Christianity can be seen inside the game of Senate. The game was based on Mother Goddess but Roman Christianity was against. Now ironically many Protestant Christians are against the mother Goddess and the Roman Catholic church is for! In my rules I recovered by the Grace of God you can see some of the Christian fights such as by faith or by works. You can walk on water with faith spot #14, but also helps if you build a boat spot #27 and also you could play for grace spot #5!
The board game nature of early government and religion as shown in Senate THE Game of On really helps explain how you could easily teach a religion to a convert a Roman legion while they were passing the time between battles with the game of passing!
Also the game explains some of the confusion and complexity of reincarnation versus resurrection concepts in ancient Egyptian religion & early Christianity. All your pawns on the board are are dead (OFF) but their Ba can still reincarnate (when drowned at spot #27 can respawn at spot #15 either by optional rule or by controlling Ma’at space #5 in my rule) or they might respawn back in the hall of judgement at start of board (standard rule if not playing with reincarnate at spot #15 rule). So 3 different reincarnations options possible just for the dead navigating the dungeon! But to get fully resurrected depending on how you interpret the game religiously you either need to get your pawn all the way off the board (Ka of that pawn reunites with Ra to rise again) but you can’t get the resurrection until either all of your pawns off the board or technically until both players get all their pawns off the board (cooperative).
The cool & creepy thing about Senate is that you can play it in solo mode with God as your opponent where your random rolls also move you and serve as roll for your invisible opponent! Originally this was viewed as you playing with the Goddess in a friendly game where she is like the DM (dungeon master). In later millennia, the idea of God being the opposition, even in a friendly game, was frowned upon so your opposition must be the “Devil”. Playing Senate in solo mode against the Goddess as your accuser/opponent is where the Roman idea that the Goddess is the Devil come from in my opinion, and they used it to squash Senat after the Punic Wars when they wanted to distance themselves from Goddess worship. So when playing Senate in solo mode against God/Goddess your opponent becomes Satan the Devil (until the Game ends at least =). She is the Hell Goddess and is torturing your soul in the underworld by getting in your way, blocking you and trying to get her pieces off the board before yours, that conniving woman!
The special rule for solo mode is that you always play white [lions/Bes] and Goddess always plays black [female cats/Bast].
The way it works is that when roll/flip/toss a 1 she gets a 3. [if you get one heads or one white on a stick, the other three coins are tails or sticks are black, so when you roll a 1, then after you have taken your turn then God/Goddess gets the other color number on your toss] So if you toss a 1 to move then God gets to move 3. When you flip a 2 she moves 2, when you move 3 she moves 1, and when you move 6 [all four tails/black], she moves as well but gets special movement of 5.
5 is an impossible for you to make but the Hell Goddess/Devil your Senate opponent can move 5 when you roll a 6 as 5 is sacred to Bast. [She moves 5 when you roll a 6 in hard mode, and 4 in easy mode].
[My gut says there is a special musical rule here where if you play a song or do something like shake a morocco (Egyptian sistrum sound), you can attempt to persuade her to go 4 instead of a 5 or something but I don’t have clarity on that would need play-testing. Something to with Persephone and your own sound. Maybe you have to recognize that you are the Goddess and take responsibility for the movement of either 4 or 5=)]
[Special Bast rule: LAKE OF FIRE. If you ever replace one of her pawns [land your pawn on hers replacing the spot with] the water symbol turns into the lake of fire that will eat your soul if you land on it. When the waters of chaos are the lake of fire, you can’t use a boat or a house of life but you can still walk on the water [requires you to have a pawn on spot #14] & if you also now have another pawn on spot #29 [Isis and Nepthys] i.e. Isis/Bast/Goddess as your opponent the devil gives you a pass to walk on the lake of fire if you have the holy spirit her sister Nepthys [you must have a pawn on spot #14 to walk on water, & also have a second pawn on spot #29 [Isis & Nepthys/ Holy Spirit] for one of your pawns who landed on spot #27 to walk on the lake of fire without drowning. Once activated the Lake of Fire special ability of Invisible Opponent Bast stays on until you make a Sacrifice [sacrifice one of your pawns to keep the player of the opposite color from drowning on spot #27 if they were going to drown] to appease her wrath and water returns to just normal scary waters of chaos instead of lake of fire waters of chaos =). If you replace another one of her pawns lake of fire re-activates again until another sacrifice is done [Bast never make a sacrifice for your pawns].
[Special Jesus rule: FINAL SACRIFICE. Once one of your pawn successfully walks on water [your pawn on water spot #27 doesn’t drown because you have another pawn on spot #14 giving it walk on water ability] i.e. pulls a Jesus move. And then if you later sacrifice that pawn to appease Bast’s lake of fire, then she permanently loses the lake of fire ability for rest of game. “Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice”. [To play a Christian religion variant you can make this optional rule mandatory as a win condition if you decide that it is before game starts].
If you are newbie you each 5 pawns and God 7 [easy mode] or for a fair fight you can each get 7 pawns [medium mode] or if you want a real challenge then God gets 5 pawns and you get 7. [hard mode]. [The numbers 5 for Bast are like 5 black keys on a piano and the number 7 is like the seven white keys on a piano as this game has some lost rules having to do with MUSIC, if you do 5 and 7 i.e. music mode be sure to use the sistrum rule to modify her rolls from 5 to 4 when you roll a 6].
[Special Bast rule: EAR FOR MUSIC] If you play a song to attempt to make the Goddess change her role move from 5 to 4 when you roll a 6, you then have to roll to see if your song was acceptable to her or not. Flip a single coin, if heads she doesn’t like it and continues to move 5, if tails, she likes the song and slows down moving only 4]
In hard mode it might be near impossible to win unless you “Cheat” by doing things in life while you are alive [ON] so that you have better odds of beating the “Devil” at Senate in the underworld when you are [OFF] to increase your chances of getting back to [On]. For example being buried mummified makes it like you have a pawn at #14 and now you can walk on water. For example being buried with a boat makes it like you have a pawn on #12 and now you won’t drown in the waters of chaos. For example building a temple a house of life while alive makes it to where you reincarnate at spot #15 instead of at start of board if you drown at the water spot #27. For example living a good life according to Ma’at makes it like you have a pawn at spot #4 which can allow you to
After the Punic Wars and after conquering Egypt, the Romans decided to squash the mother goddess and to steal the calendar the Egyptians were using for their religion to make a new Roman religion where now people were supposed to worship the Emperor’s family (Augusta family) as gods. Caesar changed up the names of the month including naming two of them after himself July for Julius and August for Caesar Augustus. By 400AD there was already a Christian version of Senate being played to teach the older Egyptian religion where the symbols on the spaces were changed for Christian interpretation of time. Spot #5 instead of Ma’at is now Mary. Spot #12 or #14 instead of Orion or Aten or Amen is now Jesus. Spot #15 house of life is now a Christian cross instead of an ankh. Spot #16 the net where you lose a turn is now a good spot where you gain a turn instead as Jesus makes you a fisher of men. Spot #26 Goodness is now the Trinity, Spot #27 the waters of chaos is now not a problem as Jesus walks on water. Spots #27-29 rules the same but spots renamed like Isis & Nepthys Holy Spirit spot #29 is now Mary mother of God and Mary Magdalene. [I learned through meditation that Nepthys is Mary Magdalene and talked about it in previous episode on Barium Detox for example]. If you think that invisible Goddess is the devil Satan than Senate is not for you. The actual “devil” in the game would be spot #29 the waters of chaos are it is the water in game that is the real opposition to you reaching victory. But even the water is not evil even if you envision chaos as Set or the devil then even Set has a purpose which is to make you strive to have a good life with either grace or good works like building a house of life or getting a boat or turning to gold and walking on water like Jesus.
The Supreme God of the Game was reinterpreted over the years but appears to have originally been the Goddess who has many names. Don’t get hung up on the name of God as this is something that is its own topic that is beyond the scope of this text, but ultimately the divine name is your own name. [AMEN/ATEN/NAM in Egyptian parlance; to me she is Mary Magdalene, Mary the Law Giver, Ma’at, Mother Ray, Mary Mother of Jesus, Nepthys, Isis, Persephone, Helga, Helgi, Freya, Ninmah, Ninhursang, and the Romans called her the “Whore of Babylon”, but she was the Mother of the Baby Lion and another Egyptian name for her was Bast, another Greek name was Artemis & Artemis was the Goddess who became Mary the Mother of Jesus in Christianity as temples of Artemis were converted to Christian temples in Roman times when the power of the Matriarch to arrange marriages was supplanted by the Pope/Papa Paternalistic arrangement of marriages. She is also called Dianna [Dead Anne] and Morganna [Morgue Anne i.e. Dead Anne] & BoAnne [Cow Anne] and many more Egyptian and other names too many to list here’s a few more Egyptian ones: Tawaret [Tower], Hathor [Mother of Thor], Wadjet [Snake Mother], Sehkmet [Seek Me the Lioness] ]
Because the game of Senate has 30 spots, each corresponding to calendar days and they can also be equated to letters of the Phonecian alphabet & also to constellations, it gives the game some interesting religious uses. A priest or priestess by playing the game and making a move in solo mode everyday could both read which days were lucky or unlucky, try to gauge what might or might not be acceptable to God/Goddess. A priest could even use the board to receive word messages from God/Goddess where the pieces of the God/Goddess/Devil opposition could be used to spell out messages, or pieces depending on placement could be use to make astrological readings. I’m not advocating for using Senat like that but do be aware that it’s religious significance was very great because of its multifaceted connections to all aspects of Egyptian religion. It is believe that ALL of the Egyptian religion was contained in the game so it was like the Egyptian Bible which could be used to convert people not familiar with the Egyptian ways just by playing! No wonder the Romans were threatened by this game!
By playing Senate you could actually read the Word of God by interpreting where pieces landed after moves in solo mode and equating the spots to the Phonecian alphabet. Like Using Senat as a Ouija board where instead of hands moving it like in Ouija, the seemingly random rolls of the player and the corresponding counter-rolls they make could be interpreted as rolls of God and where the pieces landed could be read if the 30 spots on the board are equated with 22 consonants and 5 vowels of of the Phonecian alphabet (with 3 extra spots, the last 3 spots most likely not being read).
The Roman Senate had religious duties to perform on different days and may have used Senat or their own variant of it to decide what to do.
In the United States our Senate [Upper Legislative Body] is named after the Roman Senate, so it is at least possible that our Senate like the Roman Senate has religious ideas attached that might have originated from Senat boardgame. I think that it is and I’m going to explain to you in rest of episode why I think that and what it means to our Freedom!
The five conserved spots in the game Senat are the House of Life (spot #15), the Water of Chaos (spot #27) and the three final spots (#28-30). The House of Life was a Holy House (spot #15 on the board corresponding to 15th day of the month what the Romans called the Ides of the month). The “White” House can mean the Sacred or Holy House, and does in my opinion make a physical representation of the House of Life on the Senat board.
White House at Night. Like a House of Life in Senat to protect you from the waters of Chaos bubbling in front of it.
“White House” from Luxor, Egypt. Notice how the White House of the USA also has an Egyptian style Obelisk in front of it as do many other places (Obelisk in Rome Italy at Vatican and I saw an obelisk in Paris France in front of their Louvre as their Holy House which for them they uses a Museum/Palace was quite impressive and also full of Egyptian artifacts.
The United States Senate is named after the Senate of Rome and we like the Romans clearly have Egyptian influence as evidenced by the big obelisk (Washington, monument in the District of the Columbia. Columbia is a Goddess who could be thought of like the Goddess opposition in a Senat solo game, so yeah D.C. is the District of the “Devil” if my theory is correct that Goddess of Senat solo mode to the Romans would be she Devil. That darn Banshee!
But if you look at history, the American parliament because we split from England where we have Senate and House of Representatives is more likely to be directly modeled more along the lines of copying the British “Senate” i.e. the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
Who is the Invisible Goddess presiding over the House of Lords here? I’d argue it was the Goddess of Senat who is providing the game board upon which these two sides like pawns are trying to pass bills over one another just like pawns in a game of Senate strive to get off the board the fastest .
In America, it is the Vice President who presides over the Senate.
Got to say if her job is to play the part of the Goddess as the Devil in a game of Senat against the American People, she’s doing a great job! (At being evil! She’s anti-second amendment gun grabber). Digging into her past to figure out what we are dealing with, I see is very English influenced (Indian mother, India was once a British colony, and Jamaican father ( Jamaica also was once a British colony). I guessed correctly she was Indian by her middle name Devi (Devi means divine/goddess in Sanskrit), and looking into her I see her mother is from the city that is the headquarters of the religion known as Theosophy [though the founder of Theosophy Helena Blavatsky claimed it’s not a religon]. I’m pretty sure no matter what she says to the contrary [she claims to be a Hindu Black-Baptist] that Kamala Devi is actually a Theosophist as her mother is from the city of their headquarters in India where this 19th century “non-religion” moved after their creation in New York City. Although I can’t prove Kamala is a Theosophist, it’s pretty obvious to me.
It’s basically an atheist religion that claims to be all religions without being any religion. But with an ouroboros, and ankh, and a triangle pyramid on the theosophy logo, it does certainly seem like a religion that would be willing to play a game of Senat in the Senate which she is by office obligated to do as the Vice-President who presides over the US Senate like how the Monarch of England in a Throne would preside over a meeting of the British House of Lords, or how Caesar Augustus “Divine” would preside over a meeting of the Roman Senate.
My royalist ancestors are turning in their graves wishing we still had a Christian Monarch rather than an atheist non-religion Theosophist running our House of Lords/ Senate no doubt. But they lost three civil wars in England, and fled to America where the Royal inalienable rights were transferred (or in my case inherited) by the We the People. As such we each individually have the ability to exert our power by determining our own religion and having freedom of religion.
My wife Shari Grace recently exerted her divine rights as an individual monarch and connecting directly to God/Goddess with her crown chose her own religion Whole Life Center Church and the name of her Deity is Freedom!
As part of introducing her new religion to our local government we had to go before the Dade County Board of Tax Assessors to show them that her church and faith are real. It was very much like going into the religious inquisition. They were strongly biased against us but using a powerful weapon I found called Parliamentary Law, and by bringing an overwhelming amount of evidence, we were able to force them to admit that our church is the real deal. They just didn’t like that we aren’t a government church [we an unincorporated private church not an incorporated 501c church] so they still denied our church land tax exemption which we now have to fight on appeal in the superior court, but overall we did amazing as just fighting over whether or not the government can discriminate or not against a non-government church is an easy fight [they can’t legally!], whereas would have been a much harder fight if they were trying to argue we not a church which they couldn’t based on the preponderance of evidence we plopped down in front of them at the right time according to the Parliamentary Law rules of Order which is why they couldn’t ignore us anymore.
While I was reading Robert’s Rule of Order which is the Bible on Parliamentary Law for the United States, I noticed it actually had numbered subsections very reminiscent of the Bible and that when I read it that the Holy Spirit would talk to me something I’ve only every experienced either when reading the Bible or writing or re-reading my own newsletters. It was like I could read it with my third eye and I could see magical markers pointing me to the relevant parts that I needed to pay attention to the most. The book is 600+ pages long and I only had time to read 100 pages and had to skim the rest so if it had not been for the Holy Spirit I would not have been successful in countering the traps laid by the Board of Tax Assessors.
They wanted to kill our church but it emerged victorious! They couldn’t kill what had started dead and was coming to life, and they couldn’t drown something that had a real boat, a real God, and a real House of Life. The real house of life is inside the individual as is the entire game as is God, the boat and everything. The divine name of Freedom is your own name.
The chairperson of a board is like the throne who is like the monarch presiding over the house of lords or the Divine Augustus or Devi presiding over the Senate who was definitely playing as our opposition and accuser, and the rest of their board & they literally had 7 people representing their 7 pawns like the black side of a Senate game. Just like in Senat their goal was to make us drown. We only had 2 pawns, the two of us, and we had to march in lockstep in phalanx formation to keep their moves blocked just like in Senat where you can’t take a pawn next to another pawn protecting it. And when we got to the end of the board we kept walking on water very close to the exit of the game ready to win at any time just needing a single good roll. We achieved the role and they were stunned. As they tried to prove our church wasn’t real with every argument they could think of, and as we continued to show them the evidence of how our faith was golden, and our boat was real, and as we showed them we could even walk on water like Jesus being completely unaffected by their waters of chaos, they finally despaired realizing that they could not beat us using the law, they couldn’t pass us in the game of passing, they couldn’t out move us with their motions, as we had the power of parliamentary law and the knew the rules of Order to counter their Chaos. And so they did their best to get in front of us, but in the end we left them behind passing them going on to the next phase from OFF to ON!. Our church is ON FIRE! In a good way, like we have the fire of the Holy Spirit, and now the waters of chaos are burning in our honor as we walk to victory over the flaming waters like Jesus in Hell getting ready to resurrect on the third day as the Dawn of the Sun.
If you want your freedom, I highly recommend you read Robert’s Rules of Order with your third eye when you can do so when in need. If you do you might, just like I did, start to understand many things you didn’t know before about rights, the constitution, bylaws, committees, and such. I had the hidden Goddess speak to me of Senat and the Senate, of how I am the monarch with divine rights, and that I have the ultimate power as one of the We the People to displace any fake chairperson, to use the rules of order to defeat the game of chaos in any court be it quasi or real. I finally understood how groups of people can form quasi-judicial branches of the government and how their game is all about keeping their evils secret so that you don’t know the rules and your own rights, but if you learn Parliamentary law then you can prevail in their Senat game as a bona fide Senator.
If anyone reading has an experience dealing with boards, you might appreciate some of the dirty tricks the opposers put up that we successfully dodged because we knew the Parliamentary law. Robert’s Rules of Order provides for an orderly time to say a prayer immediately after the Call to Order at the start of the meeting. Because we were told that we were nonvoting non-members of their board we didn’t actually have a right under Robert’s Rules of Order (or at least they didn’t want us to known if we did) because only members of an organization have the rights to make objections, motions, attend, vote etc. Had I had the right to object there are points of order, points of information and points of privileges that I could have brought up to allow us to say a prayer, had I wanted to push the issue, but since we already knew the chair was opposed we let it slide. However, since we were there to prove we a church it did seem kind rude of them not to let our church say a prayer don’t you think! Also if you study Robert’s Rules of Order you will find that most committees misuse the Motion to Postpone Definitely instead using Motion to Lay on Table. Lay on Table violates the rights of the absent (us), but government committees like to use it incorrectly (supposed to have an emergency to use) so that they can sneakily kill something they don’t like. They wanted to sneaky kill our church, and had we not shown up within 3 months, the motion would have automatically died. But we did show up and with much evidence to support it. But you still have to know the orderly time to speak in a meeting. Thinking we didn’t know Robert’s Rules of Order, or the obvious to me ways they were violating the rules of order (since I wasn’t raising objections since I was told I wasn’t a member and thus no right to object), they thought they could get away with a classic trick of trying to get us to speak at the wrong time so that they could ignore everything we said and all the evidence we brought if they could get us to present it at the wrong time. To try the dirty trick they put us on the agenda in two places under some non-sense early part under budget, and then our actual motion was under “unfinished business” section as that’s were a previously tabled motion comes back up automatically after being tabled in a previous meeting which we knew thanks to Robert’s rules of Order. [This gets really tricky as if you want to bring something back up in the same meeting requires a different motion, the motion to take from table, but in subsequent meeting comes up automatically under unfinished business which happens before new business]. She with a big smile on the opposer’s face she said it was our time to talk. I stood up, waited to be recognized, addressed the chair (according to the rule of order) and said “We decline to speak at this time” and explained that we want to speak under the Unfinished business section of the meeting when it is the orderly time to do so on the motion that we had shown up with evidence to support. They were shocked we dodged their bullet and babbled on pretending they had something important to talk about until finally it was our real time to speak. The chair was really bad didn’t even bother dressing, was wearing shorts and t-shirt, and never restated the exact wording of the main motion before the board because he had another dirty trick saved for later [they had sneakily changed or amended the wording of the main motion to try to trick us and didn’t want to read it out loud as their trick would have been too obvious], but still we were able to speak and get our evidence in at the correct time so that they actually had to do their job to discuss and take a vote. In the end turned out the chair had changed the wording of the “Motion to Accept our Application” to “Motion to Deny our Application” [to trick us into saying we supported the main motion instead of correctly saying we were not in support of that reworded biased against us motion] but it didn’t matter, they admitted we a church which is the large part of the battle and the rest is just mop up we can handle above their heads in appeals. My point to anyone reading this is that if you are ever going to do anything with committees or boards of whatever nature, recognize you are playing Senat. Like when you play Senat solo mode and talk to the Holy Spirit to advise you against your invisible opponent, you need to read Robert’s Rule of Order and your Bible to let the Holy Spirit Guide you if you want to be victorious against the waters of chaos.
In the last week or so we’ve had tornadoes including tornadoes the day before and the day of our meeting with the board where we played real life Senat the Board Game with a real Board. Also going on right now is a plague of locusts in the form of a cicada superswarm that makes an ominous buzzing all day and night. They would look kinda cute except for their creepy red eyes. Right after we emerged from the board victorious in proving our church is real & appealing their discrimination against us for not being a corporate church, then the media went abuzz with the sky turning red from some solar flares Aurora Borealis. I didn’t actually see anything, so hope it’s not all just hype. Exciting times we live in an definitely a good time for prayer. The atheist government people who didn’t let us say a prayer for the tornado victims at their meeting are on my naughty list, and time will test them as they have volunteered to be on my Senat board in the next life, so pray for their souls because I’m not sure they are going to make it past the waters of chaos when their judgement time comes around =)
Note that the head of a judicial gavel looks like a Senat piece and that’s not a coincidence.
While I was thinking about this episode THE Game of On, I couldn’t help but think about my friend Derrick who owns a board game shop in Chattanooga, Tennessee called Game On. I had the honor to take him kayaking in my father’s kaya, and we floated on the waters of chaos, and did not drown! We also had life jackets too so that helped =).
Derrick on the left and iMedDo and Whole Life Center Church Board Members Ben and Shari on the right. I talked Derrick and Shari’s ears off about Senat the board game. Game On is going to be at Metrotham Con in Chattanooga (May 17-19th, 2024) this weekend, and Shari and I are going to a presentations about board games. I’m excited to tell them about Senat as what could very well be the oldest game in the world that is still being played today in assemblies, clubs, governments, churches, boards, and committees all around the world.
It’s not clear which board game Senat or another game called the Royal Game of Ur (RGU) is the oldest game in the world as they seemed to have been present at about the same time a whopping 5000 years ago circa 3000 BC. Unlike Senat where the rules have been lost (destroyed by the Romans), there was actually a cuneiform tablet found which partially explains RGU, and it seems somewhat similar to Senat in that it is also a race game, but is noticeably different as it has 21 spots to land on instead of 30. Many Senate games have been found with another game with 20 spots on the reverse side which might have been similar to the RGU, so which ever came first they were both very popular.
Another ancient Egyptian board game worth mentioning is Menat which I’ve talked about before in this episode when I was talking about Medusa. Whereas Senat is like playing on the Milky Way sideways in the “du’at”, Menat is playing on the Milky Way Spiral galaxy top down view and is also a race game where your pawns race to center and back out trying not to get eaten by the Milky Way imagined as a giant snake!